Chapter Eight: Memories

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He didn't want to wake up. His everything felt heavy. His bones. His body. His eyes. But most of all, his soul felt like it was dragging through a puddle of molten iron. Painfully aware of the stinging ache in his chest.

Kade laid there for what seemed like ages, but then again, could've been a short amount of time.
That was until he heard a rustle in the room around him.

He let his eyes open slightly, a piercing white light making him want to shut them again. If only it hadn't been then when he spotted Calico he probably would've fallen back asleep.

But no, he caught sight of Calico walking around with a mug in his hand, his hair tied up in a very similar fashion to how Kade knew Cyril did his.

Kade didn't even think about it until then, but he wondered where Cyril was. Normally he showed up whenever Kade needed anything, and in the past day, he hadn't seen him. Not when he needed him.

Kade couldn't figure out why, but it seems as of lately Cyril had been missing in action. At least compared to how things used to be. Maybe it was his way of trying to get Kade a life of his own where he had more friends then just Cyril.

Regardless, Kade was just glad that Calico was there. At least he would like to believe that.
Part of him wished Calico wasn't, because it would make what Kade wanted to do a lot easier. But with thoughts like that, maybe it was a good thing Calico was still here.

"Good morning sleepy head." Calico said with a small smile. There was an air of sadness in his tone, almost as if he had heard the thoughts just running through Kade's head.

"Why are you here?" Kade asked, not beating around the bush. He was used to people doing things for him and wanting something in return, and normally it was the same old thing especially after finding out he was trans.

"Because you're my friend who is going through something right now. And I already know somewhat of your current mindset and I still don't want to loose you or leave you alone to deal with that." Calico stated matter of factly, sitting down next to him holding a damp towel and a tube of neosporin.

He looked at Kade pointedly and it took him a second to realize what he wanted. Kade lifted the blanket he didn't remember putting on top of himself and pulled up his shirt hardly enough to get to the bandage underneath.

Calico shifted a bit closer, his large but gentle hands pulling off the bandage from his hip. Kade chose to not watch as he cleaned and redressed the injury from the night before, deciding it was for the better that he not watch.

Kade was about to ask where the blanket came from, but Calico beat him to the chase, once again, reading his mind.

"You got cold last night and started shivering, I woke up and found that one in the bedroom, sorry I went in there without asking first." Calico explained, though Kade just waved him off.

"It's okay, I appreciate it." Kade simply said, he was tempted to add to it that he appreciated Calico being there in general, but he couldn't bring himself to say that. He didn't want to get attached.

Just thinking about what happened to the last person he got attached too, his mood plummeted.

"Do you want to go for a walk? It might help clear your mind." Calico suggested, though it didn't sound like he had much of a choice given he was already putting his shoes on.

Kade scrambled to follow, realizing that he didn't care to change from the sweatpants or shirt he wore still, and merely threw on a hoodie and a pair of converse, catching up to Calico at the door.

Calico and Kade made their way outside, silently walking down the sidewalk. Subconsciously, maybe even slightly on purpose, Kade led them back the way he had come from last night. Where he had last seen Seth.

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