4- Run.. For Your Life.

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Rocky wanders around the facility stopping by to check on some of the SCPs. He decides to visit 049 first.

Walking into 049's cell he sees the doctor asleep at the operating table. Rocky walks over and shakes him. "Hey! Are you okay?"

049 looks up sleepily. "No.. I feel.. so tired. I have been.. going over these bodies.. for hours.. All I can determine is.. that they were killed by weapons.. the foundation does not.. possess."

Rocky examines the body on the table, seeing that the wound was cauterized by whatever made the hole. "A laser weapon?"

049 slowly shakes his head. "Plasma.. perhaps." He then pulls himself to his feet. "The real question is.. why would SCP-1000 attack the GOC." 049 stumbles.

Rocky catches him. "Maybe they were trying to protect themselves from something far worse?!"

049 stares at the body. "Normally the GOC would pose no threat to them.. so why?!"

Rocky thinks for a moment. "How many bodies were delivered?"

"Six." 049 replies.

"Could they have been the original hosts for the sins?" Rocky asks while leading 049 to his desk.

049 nods. "Considering how I feel.. I dare say I am infected now too." He groans as he sits down.

"So it is sloth.." Rocky sighs.

049 nods as he begins falling asleep again.

Rocky rubs his head. "This is a huge mess." He then walks back out and keys up his radio. "I need a list of whoever is NOT infected.. 049 is confirmed to be the host of sloth."

The sounds of Dr. Therman and Clef cussing can be heard over the radio. 

"I am going to check on 106!" Rocky snaps back. 

Rocky quickly makes his way to 106's cell, not finding him inside. "106, open your dimension to me!" He orders.

Nothing happens.

"106!!" Rocky shouts.

953 strolls into the cell, her tails whipping happily. "You should save your breath. He can not hear you over all those screams."

"Then how have you been collecting livers?" Rocky asks annoyed.

953 walks over to the far wall and pulls off a panel revealing a tar portal. "106 leaves one door open at all times. Even in his torture-fueled state, he would never refuse me entry!" She then reaches in and begins pulling arms full of human livers out. The pile of livers quickly fills a quarter of the cell. She smiles wide as she sits down. "SEE! Isn't he like the best guy ever?!"

Rocky realizes quickly what 343 was trying to tell him. 'Each sin infects the most adequate host in order to destroy the dimension..'

'So let me get this straight.. The little witch girl, 239, was infected by pride.. 999 got gluttony.. 953, envy.. 049, sloth.. and now 106 is infected by greed.. All these I can understand, but why did lust choose Claudia?' The calm voice asks.

'Perhaps it is a distraction tactic.. much like 953's envy is meant to distract me.' Rocky replies.

'So, does that mean Drake is a key player in saving the dimension?' The voice asks.

953 cocks her head to the side as she eats, her ears twitch wildly. "Are you doing that internal conversation thing again?" She asks with her mouth full.

Rocky looks at her questioningly. "Yes. How did you know?"

953 takes another bite of liver. "Humans have a bad habit of breathing in a pattern similar to what they are saying in their heads. In that respect, I can usually determine what someone is thinking. You, on the other hand, only breathe for your thoughts. Whoever you are talking to does not affect your breathing."

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