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"SO TELL US U R SO POPULAR AMONG LADIES DID U EVER FALL IN LOVE ?" he looked at me and I already looked away "IF U DONT WANT TO ANSWER DRINK" Charlie said "I HAVE " everyone looked at him and they looked at me "OK SO NEXT QUESTION FOR U Y/N HAVE SOMEONE EVER CONFESSED TO U IF U WILL NOT ANSWER U WILL DRINK 2 GLASS OF ALCOHOL" another boy added "ITS A MILLION DOLLER QUESTION ADD ANOTHER ONE" of course nobody care about me they want to confirm who jungkook like so I started drinking and I drank all 3 glass until jungkook stopped me "I GUESS ITS ENOUGH" I pulled his hand away he looked so frustrated and I drank the last glass too and then things started to get blur I could hardly understand what they were talking after 45 min everyone said goodnight and went inside their rooms "Y/N LETS TAKE U TO ROOM" jungkook said while holding me from my arm "WAIT WAIT BOY I THINK I WILL THROW DONT MOVE ME " he sat sown again "I TOLD U TO STOP U CANT EVEN MANAGE 2 DRINKS 4 IS TOO MUCH" I looked at him "LISTEN TO ME LOOK HERE " .


Y/N has started her drunk talk "CANT U SEE OR UNDERSTAND I DONT LIKE SITTING WITH U WHY U CREATED A FUSS IN THE BUS " she asked "WHO SAID IT WAS FOR U" she tried to focus on my face "REALLY THEN WHY U LET ME SIT " "CAUSE U WANTED TO" i said its so funny "HMMM U REMEBER HER " remember who? "NO I DONT" i said she started laughing managing to sit straight "THAT WOMEN KELLY ?" what about her i thought "U SHOULD LOOK AT YOUSELF U WERE ALL THIS QUITE LIKE U ALMOST PASSED OUT I HELPED U GET RID OF THAT BLACKMAILER WHO WAS HAVING UR PICS" why is she bringing it up "WHAT DID U DID AT THE END TOLD ME U LOVE ME DO U REPAY TO PEOPLE WHO HELP U LIKE THIS " i was shocked more then that I was hurt like I told her how important she is for me and she took it a way of repaying " I GUESS U DONT LIKE MY FEELING FOR U" she nodded in a yes "BUT U SAID U R NOT BOTHERED BY IT" she started thinking then spoke again "HOW IT CANNOT IT DO IT EFFECTS ME WHAT SHOULD I DO TO U" i smiled the fact it really made a little change even though she dislike but she think about it "WHAT WILL U DO ABOUT ME" I asked her come on y/n say everything lets hear real y/n today "U R " she paused and then spoked again " PROBLEMATIC ALOT BUT SOMEONE SAID EVERYONE DESERVE A CHANCE " I don't know why but my heart started racing "WILL U GIVE ME A CHANCE ?" I asked "WHAT CHANCE I NEVER GIVE MYSELF A CHANCE " she laughed "LETS THEN GIVE U A CHANCE U ALSO WANT ONE RIGHT?" I tried to talk but she was almost sleep and suddenly fall on the table so I took her to room "SLEEP Y/N TODAY U MADE MY DAY NOW LETS SEE WHAT WILL U DO " I said while giving her blanket .

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