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A girl leaning on the locker and a boy kissing her actually they were making out but that was not the point the point was that locker was mine .

"EXCUSE ME THIS IS MY LOCKER SO PLEASE GO SOMEWHERE ELSE " but none of them bothered to listen to me and keep on kissing each other I hate these type of cheap things but here the problem was only my locker and I don't like people leaning on my things so I sighed in disgust and move forward and opened the locker with all my strength it hit the girls head and she screamed in frustration their kiss was disturbed and yup i was the reason

'YEAH ARE YOU CRAZY CANT U SEE I AM STANDING ?ARE U BLIND?' the girl said while facing me .

'I ASKED U TO STEP ASIDE FROM MY LOCKER BUT U DIDN'T LISTEN ARE U DEAF? 'I said being patient this time I got the answer from the boy 'SO THIS IS YOUR LOCKER ITS MY FAVOURITE PLACE TO HAVE FUN' I did not bother to see him and start putting my things in my locker he then said it loud enough for other students to listen now all eyes were glued to us as if they were waiting for some fuss .

"I Am TALKING TO YOU HOW DARE YOU IGNORE MY WORDS" with that he tried to hold my arm but I was fast enough to hold his arm and push him towards the locker his face hit the locker while his back facing me.

[mentioning I was black belt from the age of 12 ]

'NEXT TIME IF U TRIED TO TOUCH ME I WILL BREAK YOUR HANDS MIND IT ' I said angerly while pushing him harder the whole crowd went silent the boy become furious and groan in pain and then the bell rang for our first period so I let him go I took my books and without looking back I went straight to my class he shouted from the back .

"You will definitely pay for what u did today' but I ignore his words.


the whole day went well I introduced myself to the class and did not talk much with others.

The school canteen was good and the food looked good suzy showed me the table we sat down and then we started talking about random things until I heard a familiar voice this was the voice of a male who I just met today.

'SO HERE U ARE I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU" He said while standing in front of our table suzy looked at me with confusion "YUNA DO U KNOW HIM?".

He moved to the other side of the table to sit next to me and then said "YUNA WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME " .

I keep on eating my food while ignoring his existence suzy then asked again 'KIM YUNA DO U KNOW HIM " she was surprised "NO I DONT KNOW HIM' I said while keep on eating my food then he again spoke "COME ON THIS IS UNFAIR HITTING SOMEONE IN THE MORNING AND THEN ACTING LIKE NOT KNOWING THAT PERSON IN THE EVENING WHAT IS THIS BEHAVIOUR KIM YUNA" He said while eating his food like he was enjoying thanks to my friend he knows my full name but I don't care all my frustration went away as soon as i tried the chicken balls stuffed with cheese.

"THEY ARE SO YUMMY SUZY WHAT IS THIS WHY IS THIS SO YUMMY DONT EAT YOURS I WILL EAT" I said while laughing with happiness not noticing that there were not only two of us and that a third person also see this side of mine which I don't usually show he was shocked for some minutes after seeing the sudden change in my personality then he said "U CAN HAVE MINE ALSO JUST ACT LIKE U JUST DID" realizing what he just said I just become cold again then he did the same mistake again he raised his index finger bringing close to my face and said "THERE IS SOMTHING ON UR FACE" before it could reach my face I hold his finger between the chopsticks and pressed harshly.

"YOU ARE SERIOUSLY CRAZY GO FIND A DOCTOR'' With that he finally got up put his tray in the dustbin and move out of the canteen .

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