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"SO U CAME TO SEE ME OR ARE U ALSO HERE TO SAY GOODBYE " I said to Tae who was caught red handed "HOW DID U KNOW " he said "THESE DAYS IT HAPPENING TO ME ALOT" I said smiling " Y/N I AM SO HAPPY U R OK NOW IT IS A MIRACLE IN THIS WHOLE TIME PERIOD I REALISED MANY THINGS I REALIZED HOW WRONG WAS I HOW I BEAHAVED TO U AND TO SUZY I AM SORRY FOR ALL THAT BUT IF U WANT ME TO BE HERE AS UR FRIEND IT TO MUCH TO ASK I CANT " he was talking with a soft smile on his face i saw that smile after a really long time "I WILL NOT DO WHAT EVER U THINK IS RIGHT FOR U BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER UR FRIEND ALWAYS HAVE UR BACK " I said we both looked at each other "U TOO DO WHATEVER U THINK IS RIGHT FORGET WHAT HAPPENED IN PAST JUST MAKE CHOICES BASED ON PRESENT " he said i nodded in a yes "I WILL THANKS FOR EVERYTHING " he got up from the chair "OK Y/N I GUESS ITS TIME FOR ME TO LEAVE " with a heavy heart I plastered a smile on my face "SO IT A GOODBYE FOR US NOW" i said while shaking his hand "IT WAS NICE MEETING U " he said my eyes filled with tears but i kept the smile on "U TOO IT WAS BEST MEETING U " . Just like that I saw him drove away very far away with all the memories in my mind how he dodged the ball for me for the first time we met I asked him to ride bike with me , he helped me in different situation and was always worried about me where ever i was no matter where ever he was "BYE DEAR BESTIE " . 6 years changed so many thing .

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