A light in the darkness

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Hey so this is my first christian book, im still finishig my other two and considering adding more to shes off limits, but I got inspiration for this story. Itll be your typical cliche hurting girl falls for the boy story, just with a Christian moral. So if you like it Vote!


I hear the patter of small footsteps come into my room then a small warm body thud against me.

"Alina!" I mumble.

"I cant sleep." My seven year old sister whispers.

"I know. Me neither." I refer to the fact that my mother is arguing with her boyfriend of the month.

"I dont get her."

"Get what?" I ask

"Why she keeps brining guys home if shes just gonna fight with them."

"Well some people feel the need to have boyfriends. Even if that means getting hurt."

"You dont have a boyfriend."

"I dont need one." I shrug.

"Why not?"

"I have you. Thats all I really need."


"Lets go to sleep." I say tucking her under te covers of my bed. "Goodnight."

"Night sissy."

Its quiet for a few minutes before we hear the sound of glass clashing. Ugh we must she do this all the time.


"Go to sleep Alina"

"If you ever do want a boyfriend. I'll be okay with that. As long as he doesnt break things and yell at you."

"If I ever get a boyfriend he has to be okay with the fact your my number one priority."

I feel a small hand grasp mine. I know shes asleep by her even breathing. Good.

The next morning a put some waffles in the toaster for Alina as I apply some makeup to my face. Im wearing some basic jeans and a blue V-neck shirt so I decide on basic makeup. Makes sense.

"Did you make me a lunch?" Alina asks bouncing in to the kitchen handing me her hairbrush.

"No I haven't been shopping yet. Can't you buy lunch?"I ask as I brush her unruly wispy brown hair into a ponytail.

"I need money to do that."she points out.

"Ugh I don't have cash on me!"

"Thats not my fault what am I supposed to do? Starve!"

"No look heres a banana and some water. Eat that and I'll buy you something after school."

"Im going to be anorexic by the time I'm 10." She quips taking the banana

"Where do you even learn about anorexia?"

"Im smarter than your average seven year old."

"I know. Come on lets go." I grab my purse and her bookbag and push her off to my grey 2008 honda. If I hurry i'll be able to walk her in. She likes it when I do that. I park the car and walk her to her classroom.

"Be good Alina I'll pick you up after school."

"Bye sissy."

When I arrive at school my best friend Kami is waiting for me

"I'd thought youd be late again." She giggles

"Why are you in such a good mood?"

"Its thursday?" She shrugs.

A light in the darknessWhere stories live. Discover now