Part 9

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My mom looks at me as ethan closes the door.

"Why are you brining guys home? In front of your sister. Thats not appropriate. What has gotten into you."

"He adores me and alina, he does more for us than you do!"

"He does more! What you met him how long ago he only wants to sleep with you!"

"We have never slept together!" I yell "alina go upstairs." I whisper

"Why cant shes stay? You not her mother."

"Because i know how you are going to get. So shes going upstairs.and im more of a mother than you are!"

"Psh your skimping around not even caring what your reviling to her."

"Me? You had a guy in her room a few months ago! At least im protecting her from the stuff your bringing in!"

"See you think your so perfect cause you have this little guy and this bible."

I watch in horror as she rips it.

"That mine mom stop!" I cry out.

"I didnt raise you to believe in this god, where was this god when your father and brother died? Or your sister left?"

"We used to go every sunday when dad was here!"

"And look where that got us."

"Stop mom stop. Were not doing this. When i turn 18 you can expect that i'm leaving, and taking alina with me. "I spin on my heel an proceed up the stairs.

The next day im with kami in her hot tub.

"Kami i can't do this anymore."

"Yes you can."

"This whole jesus thing is stupid. I thought i believed. Till last night." I sigh

"Well your moms always gonna be like that. Maybe you should try changing something to see where it gets me."

"So your saying give jesus a chance"

"Why not. You cant loose anything youve lost it all already."

"Good point. I have nothing to loose." I mumble sinking farther under the bubble.

"Im sorry." I say once again. Me and ethan are in the bible house, again and he's buying me a replacement bible.

"Its okay. Im glad your concerned though."

"I am. I really loved it. And she had to go and ruin it."

"Its okay. Wanna know something cool?"


"Its actually morally wrong to ruin a bible. Its gods word."


"Ya. But the thing is, even if your old bible is ruined. Gods word still remains."

"Figured youd pull that back around."

"How else am i going to convince you Gods the most amazing thing ever."

"True true. Cant argue there." I sigh

"Arlie." Ethan glances at me as were studying for our chem final.


"Why wont you just let go?"


"Cause why?"

"Because... If i let go, and come to this "jesus" that means everything I've ever believed in, once again, is a lie."

"What do you mean?"

"I used to believe I'd grow up in a happy family... I used to believe my dad would walk me down the aisle, i used to believe my mother would be my best friend. I believe god isn't real. I cant handle another thing I have always believed in, be no more."

"But you know. All you have to do is accept him. And your whole life will be different."

"That simple right?"


"Geez ethan. Why wont you just give up on me like everyone else"

"Cause. I see to much potential in you."

"I dont have potential."

"Did you ever think that God caused me to meet you in the hallway that day? Now look how close we are."

"Not close enough." I mumble

"Sure we are. For now anyway."

"Ya ya ya."

"Just be patient."

"I used to believe in love..."

"And one day you'll see love was always right in front of you."


Sorry its so short! But the chapter had to end there!!!

What do you guys want to happen next?



Hint, the more feedback i get the longer and more i write!

If i get 25 votes on this chapter, theyll start dating in the next chapter!

Other wise, next update, saturday

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