Part 7

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The next week was the week of my show. I am so beyond nervous. I put on the blue night gown and have one of the costume directors curl my hair into thick curls. I peek into the audience and see kami and Alina sitting together, like i planned. Ethan, emily and his parents are on the northern side. I invited my mom, maybe she's just late though.

"Okay guys were on in ten!" Our main director shout, whispers.

Everyone gets into place and i watch as the opening scene unfolds. Then its my cue, the scene where me and my younger "Stage" siblings are in the bedroom , when peter pan first arrives.

As the scenes continue I'm absolutely running on adrenaline from performing in front of a lve audience. When tinkerbell starts to die, real tears come from me. When i realize i can really fly, real shock is displayed on my face. Lets be honest, im amazing. I dash across the stage in the final scene as captain hook and peterpan ate fighting. When the curtains drop i take my place center stage for my bow. I bow and do a cute curtsy soaking in the applause before skipping off. I change from my costume and back into the clothes i came in, wiping off my stage makeup and throwing my hair in a bun. When i exit my dressig room and into the hallway my ethan, alina, and kami along with. A few other people are waiting for me. They clap again and i pretend to bow.

Ethan kisses my cheek and whispers to me "you were amazing." I blush when he hands me a bouquet of flowers.

"You did great" kami hugs me.

"Ya you did." A few people call out.

"I tried." I blush

"Lets go celebrate! Icecream everyone." Ethan shouts.

A bunch of people follow him to the ice cream parlor where i get myself a mint sundae and alina a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles. We laugh through out the night making jokes and such, i love that my best friend gets along with the guy i like.

"In 9th grade when i met Arlie, she was so shy. And when she had to do a presentation on biospheres i swear she almost peed herself. Now shes center stage."

"Kami thats not true."

"It is you were scared out of your wits. Youd never know now." She laughs.

"I used to be scared to." Ethan admits.


"Ya. Then i turned six." He laughs

"Oh stop it you jerk!" I joke.

"You like it." He whispers.

The next few days of the play go smoothly, i love it!

The next thursday i have work. Ugh. Since i missed a few days for the play i have to make it up one my off days.

Im serving tables when a group of guys come in. They must be from out of town cause i don't recognize them.

"Hello, im arlie and i'll be your server today. Can i start you off with some drinks today?" I smile.

"Ya, let me get a drink of you." One of the guys grabs my hand.

"Sorry, i have a boyfriend." I sorta lie...

"That dont matter. We can work around him." He winks

"So waters for everyone?" I ask walking away. I bring back 5 cups of waters to serve them.

"Thats lovely." He grins one of the guys "accidentally" knocks the glass of water on my white button down. Smooth..,

"So original, another server will be with you in a moment." I smile fakely.

"Im taking the rest of the day off." I tell my boss. He just looks at me.

Later that evening im sitting with ethan at my house telling him what happened

"So you lied saying you had a boyfriend. Like that would help," he smirks.

"I didnt totally lie..."

"Unless theres another guy then...."

"Do you not like me?" I ask him as my voice waivers

"No of course i do. Your my favorite." He smiles taking my hand.

"But you dont wanna be a couple."

"I do."

"Then why arent we?" I whine

"Its not the right time. Im sorry. " he shrugs like this subject is meaningless.


"Hey dont get upset. "

"Im not" i lie

"Good. Lets watch a movie. Okay?"

"Sure sure." I snuggle against his chest while we watch one of tangled. My new favorite movie. Chauncey's so cute!

I couldn't help but worry that Ethan really didn't like me. If he did he would've asked me out right? I can't describe how safe amd secure i feel around him. He means so much to me. I can almost say i love him. Maybe i do


Sorry its short. Hey what do you guys want to happen next? The descion is yours. Comment and let me know!

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