Part 17

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"In the case of parker versus the court, we grant Arlen parker, full custody of seven year old Alina parker." The judge says

"Oh my gosh." I breath. Beaming at ethan. My mom never showed up to try to get custody of Alina, so the only other way this could go is they could grant her to the court. Aka, foster care.

"Now if at a later time, your mother does want to attempt to gain custody of her, she will be allowed to. Keep that in mind. But as for now, shes yours." The judge speaks to me.

"Thank you so much" I hold back a happy cry.

"You've shown great responsibility and love to this child, your young, but shes much better off with you then in the foster care system...."

"I agree. Thank you."

"Alina!" I call to her, as shes been waiting in a meeting room during the court session. "I got custody of you!"

"Whats that mean?"

"I basically get to be your new mommy your all mine for the rest of ever.."

"Thats very good news." She smiles

"Yes it is." I hug her tightly.

We go out for Ice cream then I take her to a movie. Ethan tags along to. Heck he's rarely not with us. I've become pretty attached to him spending time with us.

"I'm ready to sing at church." I tell ethan.

"Okay, I can tell the pastor you want to. You can do it this week at youth."

"Not me. We! I want to do it, but with you."

"Well. Ya I'll play and you sing. Sound good?"

"Yes! So we have to practice." I say eagerly

"Okay okay. Do you want to sing the same song you sang for me the other day?"

"Nope" I grin

"What do you want to sing...."

"Its a secret. But heres the guitar chords. You just work on that and be prepared to be surprised on thursday."

"Arlie.., this doesnt-"

"No. I want you to be surprised!"

"Okay okay but you realize I know these chords." he laughs. "But I can't wait. Your gonna be amazing."

"I'm excited... But I didn't think about that...." I admit.

"Do you really like Ethan?" Alina asks while I'm grocery shopping with her one day.

"I do. Alot."

"Like alot alot?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Cause I like him to. And o decided that since your technically my mom now, that I'd be okay if he was my dad."

"Woah Alina. Slow down." I tell her as I put a box of lucky charms in the cart that shes swinging on. "Were not like tht."

"But you like him. And he likes you. So one day you'll get married that'll make him my dad."

"Marriage isn't an option. Were dating, but were still in highschool. I'm not even sure he would consider marrying me."

"Why not?"

"Well... Some people want fresh life's. My whole life is devoted to you. He might want something different."

"Oh...don't worry about that. He likes me. So he'll marry you one day."

"Whatever makes you happy to think." I shake my head at her thought process. Its sweet that she likes Ethan, but in reality, hes probably gonna want to start a life of his own one day, not stick with me who has a kid already.

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