Part 8

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This chapter is great! lots of stuff happening!


Ethan and I spent the day walking the trail. Actually i was skipping along picking flowers while he strummed his guitar.

"Why are you picking flowers again?" He groaned.

"They're pretty." I smiles cheekily

"Thats cause God made them."

"Ya ya ya."

"God made the whole world and everything in it in his image."

"What do you mean."

"He makes beautiful things, everything he makes is beuatiful, everything he makes is in his image."

"Hmmm." I think

He starts strumming again

"He makes beautiful beautiful things out of dust." He sings lightly.

"How come you have so much faith in this god?"

"Because i know where i stand and where i going. Without him i'd be lost."

"Thats not really answering the question." I stop and frown at him.

"Well i have faith in it cause it feels so right. I feel him living in me. hes in hear." he points to my heart. "I couldn't imagine him not being real. All my prayers are always answered. Even if bad things are happening a light always appears. That and the bible says. Everything in there makes sense. Also this world needs an answer. Im not satisfied thinking we were created from a explosion in the sky. But me being planned out, created and turned into a life, that makes sense. In the bible it says "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13, 14 NIV)" god planned each and every one of our lifes. It just makes so much since. I simply cant settle for anything else. I can only have faith in the highest power. Thats our one true god. Does that make sense?"

"Ya... It does... Kinda."

"Whats the kinda."

"I'm not sure. Its just mind boggling. It feels like i can't really comprehend it"

"Ya. Well im here to listen."

"I dont know. Maybe you have a point on the God thing."

"Whenever your ready to come to him, he's there with open arms. And i'll pray with you." He smiles.

"I know i know. I just can't i dont get this god thing. He doesnt make sense. Sides i still don't understand why theres so much pain in this world, why i had to go through Everything. If this "god" loved me, he would've protected me right?"

"I cant help you there. i told you it wasn't him that did all that. but he wants to pull you out if you give him a chance."

"I can't. I dont feel him. I dont hear him. If it was just me, i wouldn't even consider there being a him. besides, were talking about a figure thats not even alive."

"Gods not dead. hes living on the inside."

"Let me guess? somg lyrics."

"Yup, some of the best."

"Ugh. "

We sit down at our usual spot.

"Want me to teach you a few chords?" He asks me

"Sure." I scoot against his chest, the guitar in front of me and he shows me how to play a snip of a song. After about an hour or so, Once I've mastered it he starts to sing.

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