Part 3

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On thursday night ill be honest. I was kinda conflicted on what to wear. Ethan says it was a casual service. So i finally decided on some dark blue skinny jeans, a maroon long sleeve vneck and my black converse.

"Do i look okay?"i ask Alina, whose sitting at the table eating french fries i made for her.

"Its just thursday church."

"Well fine then." I pluck one of the fries off her plate. "Almost ready?"

"Yea almost." She pulls her own pair of converse on and ties the laces. Then skips in front of me to the car. We arrive at about 615 so i take her to her class room then set to find ethan. The youth group room is dim lit but colorful. A girl greet me with a name tag that says emily.

"Hi im emily. Are you new here?"

"Ya im arlie,"

"Arlie.., arlie.. Oh arlie! Ethans been talking about you for days!" She giggles.

"You know ethan?" I ask

"Know him. Psh im his sister." I glance at her again. She has the same brown eyes as ethan and tannish skin complexion. But her hairs red. Hm it must be dyed.

"Oh. Do you know were he is?"

"Hes finishing up practice. He'll be out in a second. Can you fill this out for me while you wait? Its just a customary get to know you form."

"Sure." I take the form. Shes right, it is pretty basic. Name, age, grade,school , activities. The only question i didnt like was the last one, have you accepted christ into your heart. No. I finish and hand it back to her in time to see ethan. He slings a arm over me.

"Im glad you came." He says

"I said i would." I blush.

"And i see you met my sister."

"Ya. Shes nice."

"Good you can stand with her during worship but ill find you during the message," he assures.

"Okay.. But whats worship ?"

"Oh worship is where we humble our hearts and try to get closer to god. Its basically a time where everything disappears and your bringing everything before the lord."

"Sounds....cheesy." I roll my eyes.

"Youll like it." He smiles.

"Okay guys lets get started." A guy on stage announces

"Thats my cue. See you after." He pecks my cheek making me blush.

"Im gonna open us up in prayer,

Dear heavenly father i just want to thank you that we can all be gathered here tonight, i ask that you open are hearts to the worship and the message we are about to receive, lord draw us in closer to you during this time, in jesus name "

"Amen" a few people chorus.i look around theres about 25-30 teens in here.

"Lets go upfront" emily drags to right in front of the stage and i notice Ethan winks at me before he starts singing. Ive never heard the song, but alot of kids, including Emily is singing the words

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

(Here we go)

Today is the the you have made

I will rejoice and be glad in it

Today is the day you have made

I will rejoice and be glad in it

And i wont worry about tomorrow Im trusting in what you say

Today is the day

What have i gotten myself into i think as they start another song thats upbeat but slower

Everyone needs compassion

A love that's never failing

Let mercy fall on me

Everyone needs forgiveness

The kindness of a Savior

The hope of nations


He can move the mountains

My God is mighty to save

He is mighty to save


Author of Salvation

He rose & conquered the grave

Jesus conquered the grave

As they wrap that song up they sing a final song that real slow, its pretty, but as they sing it i suddenly feel overwhelmed. I watch as Emily drops to her knees with her hands up in the air. I feel a feeling i have yet felt. Its weird.i haven't heard any of the songs but this ones pretty, it just makes me feel like.... Im not sure...

Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,

Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,

Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,

How great Thou art, How great Thou art.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,

How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

After they finish "worship" ethan come sit with me.

"How did you like it?"

"That was the weirdest thing ever." I whisper.

"Youll get used to it."

"I guess i will." I didnt want to tell him i didnt want to come back, i really wanted to show him I'm trying. But i don't understand all this. The pastor, Pastor harris, speaks on being patient. I guess it an okay lesson. But i think im a pretty patient person.

After church is over i collect alina and head home she pesters me with questions like did i have fun and such. I dont know how i feel so i ingore her.


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