Part 10

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"Almost packed up and everything?" Ethan asks through the phone Thursday night. Tomorrow we're leaving for our 3 day trip. We'll arrive at the camp site tomorrow around 9:00 am and come back home sunday night around 10:00 pm. Now I'm a little bit excited but a little bit nervous.

"No! I don't know what to pack!" I whine

"We talked about this. A few outfits and the essentials."

"What are the essentials?" I groan.

"I don't know. Whatever girls use and stuff"

"Your no help" I groan.

"Hey hey I was packed three days ago. Its not my fault your having trouble."

"But you've gone to this before."

"Okay pack appropriate modest warm clothes okay. Its gonna be cold down there so ya. The bare nessacities."

"Fine. Ima put you on speaker while I pack okay?"


I set my phone down and begin rummaging through my closet. I pull out three pairs of jeans, a pair of black leggings a pair of red sweats, and a pair of my comfy yoga pants.

"Okay I have three jeans and sweats, leggings and yoga pants." I speak to ethan through the speaker.

"Really Arlie. Pick four out of the six."

"Ugh. " I grumble but put back one of the jeans and the sweats, deciding I'll wear those tomorrow on the ride up there anyway.

I then pull out two long sleeve tops, one grey thermal, two short sleeves, a flannel button down and a tank top.

"Okay I have 7 tops remember it'll be cold."

"Narrow that down to five."

"Ugh" I put pack the tank top and a short sleeve. "Okay okay." Then I pull out a black crew neck, a white zip up sweater, and black and grey windbreaker. I pack then without consulting him. I then pack two pairs of pajamas, my plaid bottoms with a pink shirt and my striped bottoms with a kermit the frog top. I then Addy hair products and tolietrys into my blue duffle bag on top of my clothes. In my back pack i put in my bible, snacks, a notebook, pencils, my charger and headphones.

"Okay I think I'm all packed."

"Good. Get some sleep I'll pick you up tomorrow early morning." He yawns.

"Okay goodnight."

The next morning its freezing and foggy out when Ethan and Emily comes to get me at 5am. I'm wearing my red sweats, a white tshirt and a matching red hoodie. My hairs pulled into a messy bun and I didn't bother with my makeup. Ethan comes to the door to grab my bags while I slip into the warmth of his car.

"Hi emily." I smile to her.

"Hey Arlie. Are you excited?"

"Im so sleepy." I yawn.

"Lets grab some breakfast." Ethan laughs as he gets back into the car. We go through the drive thru of mcdonalds and I get a sausage mcmuffin and orange juice. We then proceed to the church where theres about 15 kids already there. We go in to sign in and get our room and van assignments.

I'm relieved that I'm in Emily's cabin and Ethan's van. Hand my bags to some guys whose loading them up and at about 7:00 everyones ready to go. I slip into the three row van sitting safely next to Ethan and clare whose actually turned out to be a pretty good friend. With in five minutes of the car ride I'm asleep of Ethan's shoulder thats actually pretty clumsy. When I wake up the suns up and were surrounded by tree. Ethan's in a intense conversation with Joel about some song lyrics. ( I did take note that Clare and Joel are dating). I shift on my seat and reach for a water bottle.

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