Part 2

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On monday ethan was waiting for by my locker. It was almost kinda exciting. Sure guys have waited for me by my locker before. But this is kinda different.

"Hey." He greets me simply.

"Hi." I smile

"Wheres your first class?"

"Uh chemistry." I nod.

"Great. Ill walk you."

"You don't have to."

"I want to." He shrugs as we walk to chemistry. "Ill see you at lunch."

"You will?" I ask

"Why wouldnt I."

"Well we dont normally eat lunch together."

"Ya. Then i had a awesome time with you yesterday. Now i only want to eat with you."

My heart flutters as i find my seat next to Kami.

"Umm was that ethan?" She asks

"Ya.... It defenitly was."

"Your date must have gone well."

"Perfect." I cluck my tongue.

"So we have about a week of being friends then?"

"Wait what?"

"Well until you guys are official and your world revolves around him."

"Thats not going to happen." I rolll my eyes.

"Whatever you say...."

After school i have practice for our play, that i have a lead in. Were preforming peter pan. Im wendy! I wanted to be tinker bell so i could were wings but im to good to not talk. Because theres more girls than guys though the lost boys are lost girls. Its really cute. I pick alina up from school, grab us a snack them go back for practice. I set her up in the back to do homework before hopping on stage. Im so grateful to have a patient crew that patient and works around my schedule. We go through a run through and finish around five. After im walking through the hall to my car, alina in tow i bump into ethan.

"Oh what are you still doing here?"i asks

"Basketball practice," he shrugs "you?"


"So what are you doing now?"

"Oh me and alina are heading home." I motion to alina who decided to sit on the floor. I think he just realized i had a small seven year old in tow.

"Hi alina. Im ethan."

"Hi." She giggles.

"Would you guys like to grab something to eat?"

"No we couldnt really."

"Yes we could. I dont want pasta for dinner again." Alina jumps up.

"Alina!" I snap.

"Come on. Lets grab pizza." He urges.

"Well okay fine,"

We meet up at round table. And order a cheese pizza. Im big on plain ole cheese.

"What grade are you in alina?" Ethan asks

"Second. And im the best reader in the whole class!"

"Thats great! I bet your really smart."

"I am. But not in math. Thats hard."

"I dont like math either. You like going to church right?"

Oh he had to bring up church.

"I love church. But Arlie says god isnt real."

"Wanna know a secret?" He whispers to her.

"Yes" she giggles

"She doesn't believe in God because she hasn't seen him work. But I'm here to change that"

"Alina its time to go." I snap

"I only had two slices."

"Here you guys can bring the rest home." He boxes up the left over pizza and walks me to the car. I buckle up Alina and close the door.

"Hey i didn't mean to step over boundaries...." He sighs.

"I dont need a guy if there just trying to convert me. I dont believe for a reason."

"Im not trying to convert you, but i also think you should give me a chance. I really like you. But i cant be with you without knowing i at least tried to show you the amazing god i serve."

"No one asked you to be with me." I mumble.

"No, but i want to." He leans close to me then gives me a small peck on the cheek. Even though it was small it felt like the world. I sigh.

"Ill see you tomorrow." I slide into the car.

"He kissed you" Alina sings

"Its not the time."

"If you werent mean to him he wouldve kissed you more." She grumbles.

"Stop i wasnt mean to him!"

"Yes you were! Thats why hes not going to be your boyfriend now!"

"I dont need a boyfriend. I have you."

"Im not always going to be here!"

"Sorry but your mine till your 18 and thats a long way away."

"Your not my mother." She says knowing i hate when she mentions that.

"No but i do alot more that she does for you!"

"You always ruin everything."

"Oh geez alina give it a rest,"

The next day i decide to go find Ethan an apologize. Hes in a group of people with a sprinkle of cheerleaders. Great. It not that i dot like them. I get along with them fairly well. Its that i know how they are when it involves guys. I go stand by ethan in the group.

"Hey" i chirp.

"Oh hey. Whatsup?"

"Can we talk?"i asks slowly

"Sure." He takes my hand which makes me feel like a noodle and we walk towards an empty alcove. "Whats up?" He drops my hand making mine feel lonely.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I really do like you and my behavior was uncalled for. Im sorry."

"Its okay. I crossed your boundary. But i was serious when i said i wanted to make you mine."

"And you can do whatever you want. I dont care. If it makes you feel better ill be open to whatever you believe. But you have to understand that i have a whole list of reasons why God isnt my favorite person."

"Well if you let me show you how amazing he is, ill open my heart for you to explain to me why hes not."

"That sounds like a plan." I smile.

"So do you want to come to church with me thursday? Id love for you to see me play."

"Oh okay. I guess it wont kill me."

"And its better than sitting in the hall way.' He winks

"Ill see you later." I chuckle before skipping to find kami.


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