Part 14

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Wow guys! I got 15 votes in the last two days! I felt so beyond blessed. This book now has more votes then my first completed book. So as a treat I'll try to make this chapter a little longer. I also just got back from a conferences, know as Ammo. The band worth dying for lead it. It was amazing and I'm so on fire right now. So if I make references to them. you know why. If you don't know who they are please look them up! Anyway, my story is over. Enjoy the chapter.


"Hey boyfriend."

"Hey girlfriend." Ethan laughs into the phone. "How has things been since you got home?"

"Alright. My mom hasnt bothered me to much. In fact shes been asking why I'm so happy and even offered to take us out to dinner tonight."

"Thats progress. See what happens when people let Jesus into their life's."

"Its truly amazing. I just can't comprehend it."

"What can't you comprehend?" Ethan asks

"How one weekend could affect my life so much."

"Your creator loves you so much, he created a way for you to change."

"If I hadn't met you...."

"God created a way. For you. Your that special to him."

"When you put it that way. I must be pretty amazing."

"Your more than you can ever imagine."

"I believe it."

"I'm glad I get to have dinner with my two favorite girls." My mom states cheerily. I'm sort of suspicious about her strange behavior. But I rather not say anything about it and just enjoy her good mood.

"So whats up?" I ask after ordering my chicken alfredo.

"Nothing. I just decided I missed my daughters" she simply shrugs.

"Well let me tell you about my weekend." I start nervously. "Mother I went to this camp this weekend and it was the most amazing experience ever. I literally felt God. It was so amazing."

"Silly. You can't feel something that doesn't exists."

"Thats what I thought but he does exists. He's this amazing spirit that comes and consumes your soul. He saved me this weekend mom. I have never felt so free."

"Free? From what? I really hope you don't believe in this nonsense. Your little sister doesn't need to be submerged in your stupid little beliefs."

"Mom I've been going to church before Arlie has and God is real. I know it."

"See what your doing. Our family doesn't believe in this and you know that arlie." My mom jabs.

"I do believe in him mom. And we used to go to church with dad. Nothing you say can change my mind. But I will work my hardest to change yours because I can't live knowing I didn't try to save you."

"Stop stop stop. This is nonsense. God does not exists"

"He does exists mom!" Alina shouts. "He exists and he created heaven. And if he doesn't exists then daddy didn't go to heaven and if he isn't in heaven then I never get to see him again."

I become silent after alina says that. I never even thought about it like that. Has she been going to church in hopes of seeing our dad one day.

"I'm done with this. I'm leaving." My mom walks out the restaurant.

"I'm sorry." Alina whispers

"It not your fault. She needed to hear it."

"Well how do we get home?" She ask wide eyed.

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