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1774, NOVEMBER 27th, SUNDAY 10:00 pm.

Noche stood above Baxter's unmoving body.

Her eyes lingered over the tufts of fur that bristled in the wind. Dust settled around her as the world went quiet. Something was wrong here – this wasn't how she was expecting to feel. She had won, but at what cost.

The blonde shook her head, she came here to win, not to linger on remnant feelings or distant memories. She came here to defeat Edward.

A bouncing stone next to Baxter's body caught her eye. A few more pebbles fell into the freshly formed crater and joined in the little rock's dance. Soon the bear-man's body was moving up and down too. The castle started bouncing as well – earthquake.

There was an explosion from below the cliff. A giant, black carapace appeared – each shell was the size of a train car and the entire body moved like a locomotive. As the towering entity slowed down its features became clear. 

Before Noche, and the entire battlefield, was a twenty-story tall centipede. Larger than a radio tower, bigger than a building, this sky-scraper-shaped insect twitched countless tree thick legs.

Noche's eyes kept going up and up as her head leaned back.

"Mierda," she muttered.

If someone put a football stadium microphone before dozens of nails on chalkboard, it would still be too quiet in comparison to the high pitch cacophony that was this creature's screech.

Two airplanes crashing into each other would sound like a whisper in comparison to the cricketing that came from its jaws. The force of the noise sent hurricane winds across the battlefield. The gargantuan insect lurched back, like a bull whip about to strike, and snapped forward – hitting the ground like a meteor.

Cross and DeathTech soldiers alike scattered from the denizen of the NeverAfter forest. Its countless legs burrowed through the dirt as it emerged from the opposite side of the battlefield. Its snake-like body encompassing the entire cliff like a ring – preventing any creature from escaping.

Some of the Cross soldiers began attacking the titan. Balls of fire, bolts of lightning, spears of ice, and acid rain all began to pelt the behemoth – but it was unperturbed. Its massive jaws came crashing down into the group of soldiers. When its head came back up, dozens of soldiers had become bloody parts in its meat-grinder of a mouth.

Noche's eyes widened, she slammed her sword into the ground and used Instant Riptide to get high into the air. The sword retracted and the momentum sent her spinning like a pinwheel – she swung and the sword extended.

A mile-long black blade streaked across the environment and slammed into the giant centipede. A good chunk of its body, and multiple legs, were sliced off – but the creature lived. It dug underground as Noche's sword retracted.

Noche landed on the ground and her head snapped about. Her eyes flickered to the sword she was bouncing in her hand.

"What would happen if I used Instant Riptide in ultra-greatsword form?" She muttered.

Waiting for the centipede to emerge, Noche aimed Instant Riptide out into the ocean. When the sword had extended, she changed it into its larger form. The Omni-oar became insane in size – it was as big as the centipede.

Noche's sword had become a skyscraper – one that covered the clouds. As the weight pulled the sword towards the ocean, the edge of the cliff acted as a see-saw, and Noche was lifted into the air.

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now