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1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 12:03 am.

Shaylin grinned before the army of robots she had created. Thousands of cucumber bots, hundreds of samara bots, and a single exoskeleton suit.

The air filled with mathematical formulas and equations as her eyes lingered on the space before her. Prismatic energy became multiple vats of chemical and an electrical treatment machine.

"Shaylin, dude... How the fuck do you do this?" Noche asked.

The ginger memorized the current formula she was working on so she could resume it after responding to the blonde.

"Gee golly gosh Noche, every Create user needs to memorize the periodic table if they want to be good with their ability," she smiled. "If you don't understand atoms, molecules, or chemical bonds — then most of your creations will be fundamentally flawed."

"That's not what I meant. I meant, thiiiis," Noche motioned to the array of robots.

A bombardment of circuit boards, coding software, and hardware schematics flashed in Shaylin's mind over the span of a second.

"Ooh, I'm just very familiar with tech," she giggled and resumed her work.

New calculations appeared in Shaylin's mind. The Birds of Death's V.I.P. abilities must follow the laws of physics. Which means there was a way she could harness their skills. Owl could manipulate energy — how could she? More formulas flashed in her mind.

Shaylin created enough robot parts to fill the floor. She continued to ponder the equations of energy manipulation as she began a chemical treatment of each metal piece.

"Why did you create a disassembled robot?" Noche asked.

"This one is special," Shaylin's response was automatic and distant as she solved missing variables in her math. "She'll be my trump card."

The ginger grimaced. Each time she solved a problem, two new equations appeared. She turned to the nearby wall and pretended it was a whiteboard. There wasn't enough space to fit all the numbers and symbols she had accumulated.

Acting on subconscious muscle memory, Shaylin continued the treatment process of the metal as she worked on solving Owl's V.I.P. With enough time she could make such an ability her own. The solution was somewhere in the math. It was there.

The entire room became her whiteboard. In her mind's eye, every surface was covered with a number, symbol, or formula. Shaylin chuckled at the mandatory dick drawing in the corner. She knew the answer was in here somewhere. If only she could —

"— BRUH!"

The ginger snapped out of it. She blinked, her gaze fell on the robot, and the acid treatment was about to destroy her work rather than improve it. She smiled at Mary, removed the pieces with telekinesis, and assembled the parts into a metal skeleton.

When it was fully assembled, the robot appeared as if it was made out of wooden logs. Shaylin pressed a button — Neon green eyes lit up and the robot began shaking.

"Huh, it worked... It actually worked," she muttered. "Gee golly gosh Noche, I think we're ready!"

"Great! Let's go!"

Shaylin chuckled. "Noche, I know your technique is to use a sledgehammer on a jigsaw piece if it doesn't fit in —"

"— I'm not sure if that's an insult."

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now