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1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 12:10 am.

The elevator doors opened to reveal a DeathTech soldier standing guard before it. Noche grinned and held up her left hand – a charging Dead Light Cannon hovering before her wrist. The soldier dashed towards her; she fired.

No one waited for results. They ran into the hall as the monster was held in place by a vacuum of wind. A moment later an explosion of lightning echoed behind them. Noche laughed before falling into a coughing fit. She spat out some blood and grimaced.

"Bruh, I warned you about using Create after forced recovery," Mary said.

"Shut up – I've done it before."

"OH! Yeah! Cause it worked so well before!" Mary snapped. "You are the dumbest person alive!"

Noche rolled her eyes. "Come on bitch, at least admit you loved my cannon."

Mary scoffed.

"N-Noche, y-you are ok? Right?" Tak asked.

"She will be! If she STOPS regenerating drive a literal, fucking second before using create!"

"I'm fine," Noche stretched the truth. "Totally fine."

"Bull-headed stubborn mada fucka," Mary spat. "Yuh ongle a guh learn yuh lesson wen yuh dead."

Tak and Noche stared at Mary and her eyes went wide.

"I-It's my old accent – shut up!" Mary coughed. "Anyways, Owl seems like a cunt."

"Spoiled... Teenager," Alice whispered.

"H-He seems inappropriately named," Tak muttered.


He sucked in some air between his teeth. "I'm right here, Noche. No need to yell."

"You said Edward has every bird guarding a floor?"


"Do you think they're all guarding their elevator?" Noche said. "I don't know what Edward's game is, but I know how he gets his sick kicks — so would he order that?"

Boots scowled and swore under his breath.

"I take that as a yes... Guess this is gonna be a trial by combat," Noche grinned.

"I did tell you the weakest bird, Owl, the one we just ran past. Yes, well, he can lift a million tons and create a nuke," Boots said. "And you're out of Drive and can lift what, two tons?"

"Thank you for remembering."

"You're welcome... Idiot."

She ignored his insult.

"I mean, worst case scenario we have you and Vida," Noche said. "You're a quarter general and she's a half gen... So the only two birds stronger than y'all are Albatross and Raven?"

"Have you been listening?" Boots raised his voice. "I'm not helping you. When this adventure fails, I don't want Edward to say I betrayed him – and have an excuse to harm Spark."

"I'll fight Albatross, but no one else," Vida grinned. "Don't want to waste my energy before the big game."

"You both say that, but I figured if I was actually in danger, one of you would come to my aid."

Vida's grin widened. Boots opened his mouth but no words came out. He scowled and looked to the side.

"Don't depend on it," he whispered.

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now