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 1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 7:14 am.

The light was a blood-red so dim, that it was a jester of darkness. A deeper crimson spurted from Noche's shoulder as her left arm was ripped off. An instant later, razor teeth clamped down on the severed limp and it was swallowed whole.

Raven hit the monster with a pillar of corruption – the dark god appeared unaffected. It turned towards him and the group. Everyone scattered except the bird of death and the confused old man. This eldritch being stood in place for a moment, staring at the man in the yellow raincoat like how a T-Rex would in a movie, right before it attacks.

The floor and pillars around it decayed from its mere presence. As if centuries passed like seconds in its aura; reducing stone to dust. Anything closer was irrevocably destroyed by black tar – the corruption that made its crow-like body.

Raven attempted to use create, he could feel the drive leaving his body, but the prismatic light never came. Create failed. The monster stood before him. It did not move – it simply appeared. Covering the distance in an instant; abandoning the dying Noche.

Rotting meat slammed his nostrils and overwhelmed his sense of smell. Under the yellow raincoat, the deep cold pricked his pallid flesh with goosebumps and left his skin numb. The blood-red light was enough to leave him blind and in this muted world, the maddening silence left him deaf.

This eldritch being had stolen his senses. Sight, hearing, smell, and touch were all dulled to the point of being disabled. Even his sense of taste was gone, as if given a dozen shots of Novocaine.

Raven was thrown into an imperceivable world, corruption had no effect, and worst of all Create failed him. All he had remaining was his Augment. A body strong enough to destroy the world with a single punch – he had to place all his hopes on this last chance.

When light flooded the room, he was positioned straight towards the hole in the wall. Straight ahead was ocean and sky. If he threw a fist straight forward, the shockwave would fly across the water and into space. However, if he missed and it hit land, there would be major consequences.

The monster leaned down; its jaws creaked open.

Raven punched – a shockwave went flying from his fist and towards the opening in the wall. If that opening was the size of an elephant, then it widened into a whale when Raven's shockwave slammed against it.

Mountain rock exploded on the other side of the hole and scattered skipping stones far onto the ocean waves. The force of the rolling energy split the tides with biblical power.

Tsunamis were created from the shockwave as it raced across the ocean and into space. Clouds dispersed and formed tornados as the beam entered space and continued its path of destruction for miles beyond the planet.

Inside the room, the aftereffects of the attack left a hurricane in its wake. Jet force winds blew in all directions as if this space was transformed into a wind tunnel.

Mary was lifted off her feet and Alice grabbing her was the only thing that kept her grounded. Tak went tumbling back, unable to keep his footing. Even Boots, the strongest one there besides Raven, slid back a few inches from the gale alone.

When the air died down, the monster's head was distorted into a surreal fusion of liquid and gas. It swirled in the air like cold plasma. A big grinning maw full of jagged teeth reformed in midair, floating like the Cheshire cat's grin. The void was filled by the remainder of the face; unaffected by the physical attack.

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now