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1774, NOVEMBER 27th, SUNDAY 10:30 pm.

Noche's eyes lingered on the cartoonish castle in the distance. Brief, incomplete memories flashed before her; each one taunting like an appetizer before the main course. The castle was pulling her – everything she wanted to know about who she was and where she came from... Everything about her past was just beyond those wooden doors.

Noche sat and stared.

"Fuck," she muttered.

The blonde bit her lip as her brows tightened. Cross had been ordered not to approach the castle — Noche wasn't allowed to get any closer than this.

"The only reason I joined Cross was to find my past," Noche scowled. "Now it's within reach and I'm stuck sitting here."

Edward's grin emerged in Noche's mind. In her mind, his laughter was louder than the sound of bombs going off. Noche scowled.

"I remember enough to know you ruined my life," Noche spat. "I will have my revenge."

Noche lowered her head, brought her hands together, and interlocked her fingers. She tightened her grasp and leaned her forearms on her knees.

"But I can't do that if I'm stuck outside those walls."

The world around Noche was silent as her head rested in the air.

"Everything I want is inside that castle — Cross doesn't have to know if I sneak inside for a bit."

Noche relaxed her fingers, raised her head, and scanned the area.

"It could be dangerous... It'd be a good idea to bring someone as backup," the blonde scowled. "Who could I take along with me? For a quick, secret trip. In and out."

Her eyes landed on Mary; Noche smiled.

The blonde approached by taking one slow step at a time.

"Mary, heeeeey."


"Wha – you didn't even hear what I had to say."

Mary didn't turn her way towards Noche.

"Bruh. Whatever it is, I can sense you're up to no good," Mary grinned. "So if you want help, the answer is no."

"Cherries is comatose."

Mary turned towards Noche.

"Look... I know you're smart with medicine. And stuff," Noche paused. "Is it possible to use Create to – heal him?"

The brown-skinned girl's eyes softened.

"Noche... It's... Difficult. You know that," Mary said. "To actually heal someone would require regenerating their cells."

She paused.

"Create isn't magic... I know it's theoretically possible to heal someone – but you'd have to understand DNA, cells, and all the unknown stuff we've yet to learn," she said. "Create healing has never been done before – it's basically impossible. Hell, maybe a soul is a real thing and is part of the recipe – how would you create a soul?"

"I'd sacrifice an arm, leg, and brother to find out," Noche chuckled.

Mary rolled her eyes.

"Until someone can 3D print a heart, or clone a person, the human race won't have enough knowledge to create organic matter," Mary hand reach up and laid on her chest as she inhaled. "Believe me – I wish I knew... Imagine it, using Create to make artificial organs. How many lives could be saved?"

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora