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1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 12:12 am.

Shaylin whistled as metal clashed into metal. She dodged another giant wrench and grinned – her trajectory predicting program was perfect.

"Gee golly gosh, for someone whose title is energy manipulation you sure are bad at turning off my robots," she smiled. "Do you have trouble with electricity?"

"S-SHUT UP!" He scowled. "I can manipulate electricity... WhenIgetstronger."

Shaylin smirked. "What was that?"

Owl pulled more circuit boards out of his hoodie and threw them. The software landed dead center in prismatic energy, which transformed into the hardware surrounding it. Creating robots made of gold and covered in gems.

As his rich bots attacked her cucumber bots, a much larger cloud of prismatic energy formed behind him. A massive, honey-bee-themed mecha was created – Owl threw open the glass dome at its head and jumped into the pilot's seat. The two-story robot lifted straight up into the air.

"Golly, I don't feel comfortable with you pollinating my flower!"

Owl's face went red and tightened. "I-IT'S A WASP! Y-You! Yooooou!"

The giant hornet-bot flew stinger first towards Shaylin. The ginger threw down a boost pad, stepped on it, and was launched away from the attack. Tearing metal echoed throughout the room and the indoor, sky-diving fan scattered the resulting dust everywhere.

"Now I see — you use the floor's wind to help your bumble-bee stay in the air!"

"It's not a bee! It's a wasp!" He shouted. "And i-it can fly on its own!"

"Do you have trouble keeping it up?" Shaylin said. "Nothing to be ashamed of."

Owl screamed.

Shaylin drew a woodcutter's axe. It appeared as a normal one would, except for the fact it had gears opposite to the blade. She pressed a button; the sharp edge glowed a neon green and began to vibrate at super sonic speeds.

"Augment is an interesting thing, but there's plenty of ways around it," she said. "No matter how tough you are — your body is still built in a specific manner."

The wasp-bot flew down with the stinger aimed straight for the ginger. She jumped straight up at the exact moment her computer told her to. It was a perfect dodge, she was before the head's glass dome, Shaylin swung down.

Glass was cut with such ease, that it was second only to Noche's dark sword. Atomic bonds were severed as Shaylin's axe cleaved closer. Owl raised his arm and leaned back as the weapon cut a deep, red gash into his flesh. Prismatic energy surrounded Shaylin — she jumped back before an explosion of electricity occurred.

"Smart move! Creating electricity to interfere with my exo-suit," she giggled.

Flying a good twenty feet above the ginger, Owl's vision stayed locked on the wound; his eyes wide and brows perplexed. He swung his gaze towards the smiling ginger.

"It took me a long time, but I made this weapon in the unlikely scenario I had to defend myself from the Cross generals," Shaylin smirked. "There's three things I know of that ignore augment. Corruption, anti-matter, and severing atomic bonds. My pinecone pulverizer does the last of these — it's as sharp as an axe can scientifically get."

"H-How! I buy all the latest tech! There's no such weapon!" Owl shouted.

"It's one of a kind! Part of my secret inventions! And technically it's not a weapon — it's a tool that channels drive telekinesis to an unfathomably, microscopic level," Shaylin grinned. "Even generals struggle to use Drive with precision at atomic levels. But the reason humans reign apex is because we make tools."

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now