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1774, NOVEMBER 27th, SUNDAY 10:50 pm.

Shaylin tapped her cybernetic left eye — it flashed deep hues of neon green as internal components zoomed in and out.

"I may not have a photographic memory, but my eye does," Shaylin smiled. "Amazing the things we can do with technology."

"Shaylin! Have you lost your god damn mind!" Noche shouted. "We're trying to get away from Cross! Not lure them towards us!"

"Gee golly gosh Noche, did you think the real battle was to fight Dreg?" she said. "How do you honestly expect to win against a General?"

Noche's mouth opened and closed.

"I told you I have a plan, and it's a simple one... Don't fight Dreg," Shaylin grinned. "So I'll have Medusa order him to stand down."

"And why would she do that!" Noche shouted.

Shaylin's grin widened. "Because I'm blackmailing her."

The room went silent.

"B-Bruh," Mary paused. "Did I hear that right?"

Shaylin nodded. A grin widened on her face as all eyes locked on her.

"A physical battle against Dreg is pointless — we're ants challenging an elephant. That's not the case in a battle of wits," Shaylin turned towards Medusa. "To defeat Dreg, I'll threaten his boss with MoveCity."

The ginger tapped her left eye and a hologram emerged from her robotic firefly. It replayed the scene of Tak being punched by Dreg; intestines spilling everywhere in a shower of blood and gore. Followed by his miraculous super healing — all traces of the wound gone.

"Exploiting Dreg's short temper and migraines, I waaaas gonna have him attack me. Then send the video to my friend Melody — the one who works with Milkman and Raptorman," Shaylin smiled. "Who can say what the three strongest people in MoveCity would do when they learn Dreg lost his temper and attacked someone close to them?"

She chuckled and glanced at Tak. Shaylin walked over to him, crossed her arms over his shoulders, and planted her breasts firm into his back; he went red as a beet.

"BUT THIS! Golly, my plans changed. Instead, I got video evidence of a regenerating immortal! Forget MoveCity — imagine how the United Government will react when they learn Cross is keeping that secret!"

"S-Sorry, but I don't want the people to learn about-"

Shaylin placed her finger over Tak's mouth and shushed him.

"Trust me," she whispered.

The ginger's hologram disappeared. Medusa scowled.

"Of course, black mail is a serious offense. I had to make sure the risk was worth the reward. And that's a gamble I wouldn't take unless I felt we had a comfortable odds of surviving DeathTech," Shaylin turned to Noche and the group. "I watched everyone fight Dreg and gauged your abilities. When I was satisfied, I enacted my plan."

Noche's jaw dropped. The red-head unwrapped her arms from Tak, straightened her back, and walked away.

"Oh, and don't worry about Cross destroying the evidence to shut me up. I uploaded the video to an online storage and set it on a timer looong before I contacted Medusa," Shaylin giggled. "If I don't deactivate it — then a mass email containing the clip will be sent to Melody and every person who ever made an online purchase at my store."

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang