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1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 2:14 am.

Shaylin tapped away at a computer as Mary stood nearby. Wires connected from her cybernetic left arm into the machine. In a few clicks, a download bar appeared.

"This place needs more plants," Shaylin said.

Without waiting for a response, the ginger created a rubber succulent.

"Ehh, it's a start," she paused as Mary stared at her. "What? I love nature."

The download halted and Shaylin turned towards the keyboard. Her fingers danced on the keyboard and in an instance, a mathematical formula popped up.

"Bruh, again?"

Shaylin chuckled. "The professor sure loves hiding his sugar behind math puzzles."

"Yeah, I doubt most people could solve them. Do you need a calculat—'


A green check mark replaced the equation and the download continued. Mary's mouth hung open.

"T-That had more letters than numbers!" Mary shouted. "Greek letters!"

Shaylin giggled.

"You are too fucking smart bruh."

"So Mary, I was going over my diary! My diary of Shaylin," she waited. "Get it? Dos?"

The brown-skinned girl crossed her arms.

"Anyways, it looks like the Grim gel is not quite complete," she said. "He was struggling to get the body to distribute it naturally... As it stands, you have to put it on the injured spot like a salve."

"It wasn't meant to be a liquid bandaid?' Mary asked.

"Noppers, it's supposed to be you slap it on anywhere. Got a cut on your foot, slap some gel on your face, boom foot healed!" Shaylin laughed. "Problem is he couldn't solve how to get the body to move it from face to foot."

"Well, it's not that big of a deal," Mary said. "It's still incredible."

"If nano-bots were real, that would fix the problem easily," Shaylin muttered. "Why didn't he work on inventing them?'

"Bruh, I get your whole thing is robots, but maybe he wanted to keep it organic only?"

Shaylin nodded. "I heard he could be rather bullheaded. He even moved his whole lab to that fishing island in the north just to research that unique deep-sea fish."

The ginger paused and her real hand came up to her chin. Her eyes became distant as they flickered side to side.

"If someone could invent nano-bots, then the Grim gel could be distributed faster," she muttered. "It could revive someone from the brink of death."

Shaylin snapped her fingers and pressed some buttons on her left arm.

"Alright, that's it. I can't ignore a challenge like this!" She grinned. "I'll invent the world's first nano-bots. I'll call it — project firefly."

Professor Grim approached the two with a cup of coffee. He took a sip and spoke.

"Everything ok here, ladies?"

Shaylin beamed. "Super! I've got a new invention to tinker on!"

He chuckled. "You remind me of my son... I haven't talked to him in years."

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now