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1774, NOVEMBER 27th, SUNDAY 11:22 pm.

Noche went full throttle and tears well in Jack's eyes as their motorcycle went ahead of everyone else. His shaking arms tightened around Noche's torso as they reached speeds that would kill him with ease.

"Gee golly gosh — Jack's off!" Shaylin giggled.

"I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die," Jack's eyes opened wide. "What the — when did you get so muscular!"

Noche's eyes widened and the bike swerved. She glanced down at the arms wrapped tight around her torso — she blushed.

"Can we slow down! Just a bit!" Jack cried.

Noche grinned and accelerated.

She was the first to get towards the debris and scrap that filled the room. The center of the massive, one-hundred mile room was a dumpster site. Like the destroyed remains of a post-apocalypse city. Noche weaved and swerved around collapsed steel beams, broken pillars, piles of bricks, and abandoned factory lines.

A sheet of metal laid on some rubble like a ramp. Noche grinned, pulled the throttle, and accelerated. Tears streamed down Jack's screaming face as Noche's motorcycle rose up and she popped a wheelie — launching them both off the ramp.

She laughed the entire way; Alice's dumbfounded gaze followed the chaotic blonde.

"Mango... Stay safe," Alice yelled.

"You too Apple!"

Boots ran next to Noche.

"Have you lost your mind!"

"DUDE! This is fucking awesome!" Noche shouted. "I LOVE this thing!"

"Somebody help me!" Jack shouted.

"Oh don't be such a baby — let's find another ramp!"

"No no no no NOOOOOOO!"

"Wait! Watch out ahead!" Boots shouted.

Noche's gaze turned towards a lanky DeathTech soldier. She grinned, prismatic energy filled her hand, a wooden oar appeared.

"What the hell is happeni-THWACK!"

The soldier tumbled on the ground as broken pieces of oar bounced next to him. Noche laughed her ass off.

"Get me off this thiiiing!" Jack screamed.

Noche's laughter stopped. "Wait — did that soldier talk!"

"He's probably from the previous generation!" Boots said. "Before Edward acquired Grim gel."

"He seems familiar..." Noche paused. "Ed... Eddy... Eh, whatever!"

Her head raised to the ceiling where artificial, white light flooded from above. With it miles away from the floor the room gave the feeling of being under open sky.

"Man... So big. So trippy," Noche mumbled.

"How much longer!" Jack shouted.

"Oh eight minutes or so," she grinned.

"How do you know that!"

"I have an uncanny sense of time and space," she said. "Seriously, check your phone. It's eleven twenty-four right now."

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now