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1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 2:05 am.

Noche and Jack stood before a massive computer screen that took up most of the room's wall. Aside from Boots, everyone stood in silence as the keyboard clicked and clacked. A folder titled Last Straw was opened.

Inside was a compilation of documents, files, and videos. The mouse went over to one such file titled The Incident. He double-clicked and the player booted up. A recording showed a much younger Boots standing before President Edward.

"Sir, I'll personally take double the punishment. You can take any part you want." Boots said.

That's not how our game works." Edward said " You have a sister for a reason~"


Noche barged into the room. Stunning the orange-haired boy speechless.

"OOOOOooohhh? It's been such a long-time child. I've forgotten about you." Edward said. "Diiiiiiid you ever read this fairytale I told you about... You didn't, did you?"

There was a pause where his words hung in the air.

"Suuuuuuuch a shame... It's really good. Creeps, the monster... who prefers children, hides in plain sight and consumes those whose fear reaches their highest," he said. "I wrote it actually, after discovering the POE's seal." The man said, "I based our core themes after this monster... Our dark god."

The chair swiveled about 180 degrees.

"You want to know who I am?" He said. "I am Edward Death."

Flesh on his right hand bubbled and blackened; it became the sharp, guillotine-like blade. His arm swung out — Noche's head flew off her shoulders. A fountain of blood sprayed out of her neck as her skull did multiple flips in the air.

It slammed onto the ground and rolled up to Boot's feet. Noche's body collapsed and splattered blood onto the tall, young man.

"And it's a very appropriate last name, isn't it?" Edward chuckled.

He walked around his desk, bent down, and picked up Noche's head. He held her by the hair with one hand and grabbed her jaw with the other.

"Why yes! Yes, it is a veeeeeery appropriate last name," he mimicked in Noche's voice. "Isn't that right Boots?"

Edward and Noche's heads turned in synch to stare at the orange-haired boy. Her golden eyes had become glassy as blood leaked between Edward's fingers.

Boot's face was a shade of green, he was shaking, and his eyes were wide

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Boot's face was a shade of green, he was shaking, and his eyes were wide. Edward smiled.


He threw Noche's head at Boots like a baseball; it bounced off his chest.

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now