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1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 6:22 am.

It was a silent trek from the elevator into the hall. Not a single soul dared made a sound — the group was stunned speechless from the sight.

Ten thousand DeathTech soldiers.

The war was lost.

Cross was going to lose.

Vida lead the way to Albatross's room; it was a straight shot from the elevator. She stood before the entrance for an eternity. The doors opened; boundless white surrounded them as motes of red lights drifted in the air like tiny, flickering stars.

In the center of this room a large man meditated. Behind him was a ten-story tall cathedral door. Above him was not a ceiling, but a mimicry of the universe. Galaxies, nebulas, and celestial bodies spun and twirled in cosmic beauty.

The man stood up and he was a giant. With a massive beard and wild, unkempt hair; both a mixture of gray and black. His mustache was a long, thin thing that shot far beyond his face and made a sharp bend upwards where it ended in a small curl.

A gargantuan black skull with demonic horns was the centerpiece of the large necklace he wore; it was beaded with full-sized human skulls. His garb was that of a monk's robes held by a belt with a brass sun buckle. Bandages were wrapped tight around his arms and legs.


"To think I'd see those burned hands so soon," he said. "Vida, it has been a long time."

The blind girl grinned. "Alba... It's good to hear you again."

Albatross's gaze fell over each member of the group.

"An old genius who forgot himself. A boy who can't be killed, wielding a shield. A sick doctor. A glitch in time. The inventor of artificial life. A man who can't outrun his fears. A person as brilliant as the sun," he paused. "And a girl who will become an evil monster... Quite a band of companions you've got here."

"Thank you."

"I know why you're here. Are you ready?"

Vida drew out Ouroboros and flames licked up the wheel.

"I see," Albatross nodded. "As for your companions, I will not hinder them on their quest."

Noche's eyes widened. "What! Just like that?"

A grin crept onto his countenance. "If they can pass my test."

She narrowed her gaze and stepped forward. "What test?"

He turned towards the blonde.

"My VIP is omnipotent power. My signature move is Repent. It can only be used on a willing creature," he said. "It causes them to suffer all the harm they've inflicted onto others – throughout their entire life."

Dia's smiling face flashed in Noche's mind. Tar gushed down the throat of a screaming girl — her torso ripped open; intestines spilled onto mud. Then the black liquid encroached on the screaming mother. It ate them both.

The expression of the Cross soldier appeared next. His face incredulous as Noche's dark blade pierced his chest. It was an accident. Friendly fire. She didn't mean to kill Rowan. Yet she did.

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now