Chapter Fifty Seven

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"Y/n." Eret said, surprised. 

"Can I please come in?" I asked, shivering.

"Of course," He moved out of the way and let me in. I stepped in to the warmth of the castle gratefully. "Are you okay?" He asked, taking in my red eyes, evidence that I had been crying. I nodded, my face expressionless. 

"I've just had a really long day." I said. He guided me up several flights of stairs and brought me into a quite a large bedroom. He went into the bathroom that came with the room and brought out a towel. He wrapped it around my shoulders. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly. No, I didn't want to talk about it. I wanted to forget about all of it. 

"The whole of Pogtopia thinks that I'm the traitor." I said bitterly, as vaguely as I could. "And they kicked me out. And I came to you because I didn't know where else to go." 

Eret placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You can stay here for as long as you like." He said kindly. 

I smiled a little. "Thank you." 

"No problem. My room's just across the hallway if you need anything." Eret nodded and stood up and headed towards the door. 

"Hey, Eret?" I called out, just as he was about to leave. He turned back round. 


"What do you do when you love someone you're not supposed to?"

Eret didn't seem shocked at my question. "Are we talking about Dream here?" He questioned. 

"Is it really that obvious?" I laughed shakily as he walked back over to me. 

"Why aren't you supposed to love him?" He asked, sitting down next to me. And then the flood gates burst and the whole story came pouring out of my mouth. I told him how everyone just decided I was the traitor because I was close with Dream and how even after I ended things with him, they still believed that I was the traitor. After I had finished, I felt a little bit better. It was like I had forgotten what it felt like to have a friend that I could just talk to. We both didn't talk for a while. 

"You definitely are stuck in a deep pit." Eret said. I nodded grimly. 

"So, what do you do when you love someone you're not supposed to?" I asked quietly, hugging my knees.  

"Well," Eret said hesitantly. "From what I gathered from the story, Dream's not the reason you got kicked out. Yes, he was wrong for betraying Pogtopia, but I think it's your friends that are the problem here. And, if you two truly do love each other, then your friends should be able to understand that and let you have your happiness." 

I stared at the floor, thinking. "But they don't. Wilbur's gone crazy and I'm the only one that can see it. Everyone else is just following his orders like mindless slaves because he's Wilbur." 

Eret just nodded. "Let me tell you a story." He said. 

"Once upon a time, there was a man who was very happy living in his country. He had friends, he had a home and he had a family, whether they were blood related or not, they were still family. But, like every other human being, happy was not enough for him. He wanted more. So, whilst his country was in the middle of a war, he made a deal with the enemy. He would betray his friends, his family, in return for a beautiful castle. He had hoped that once the war was over, they would all live there with him. However, he didn't think about how pissed his friends would be and it turns out that his friends stopped being his friends. Of course, it was all on him. He was the one that made the deal and this was his punishment. So, everyday, he roams the empty halls of his castle, all alone with no friends left. His name, was Eret. 

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