Chapter 9 - Aaron

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Originally, I was just going to walk into the room and just hand her the clothing, but the attitude she gave me took me by surprise and pissed me off. So, I had no choice but to show her who was in charge here.

She was so confused it was cute she didn't know what to do. Normally I would ease into a relationship like this but she needs to learn her place. She was never really one to be dominated but I think part of her enjoyed it. I hoped so... I was no longer the man I was years ago.


I pushed her trying to find her true potential. She worked non-stop till she was shaking. However, I could not let her see how impressed I was it would skyrocket her ego and would make her attitude peak which would have been the death of me.

She has definitely gotten stronger and fitter in the last few years. The tight workout clothes unquestionably complimented her body. I found it quite hard to concentrate on her muscles and not her ass. The way she squatted killed me.

Her problem was how oversensitive she was. She took everything so personal, every mistake she made, she got angry, she lost control, and by clouding her mind in all her thoughts all she could do was fail again.

When she fell to the floor I was unaware I had hit her so hard. I was struck with fear, afraid she wouldn't get back up. I mean, I barely touched her but still, I wasn't expecting her to go flying. My heart basically stopped till she looked back up at me. Fear laced her eyes, while the panic in mine disappeared. 

She was desperately trying to get up quickly after she basically collapsed in my arms, I had to basically hold her down to rest. She's had issues with fainting in the past. I was sure as hell not going to let her fall into a downward spiral like that again. I was going to have to keep an eye on her. Oh no, what a shame.


Cleaning her wounds made me weak she squirmed in my grasp as I attempted to keep her still. It made me hard just thinking about it. She was too innocent to even understand what she was doing.

God, I loved her innocence.


After cleaning her wounds, I picked her off the counter. I ignored the angered expression on her face because it was quickly washed away as I lead her about the house giving her the exclusive tour. She was always interested in architecture so she was very pleased by my 1800 Victorian home. Some of the original work was still in the house after the renovations.

I talked about some of the stupid history the realtor had told me when I had first bought this place. I never really paid attention to her, but I did the tour with other random ass people so I kind of had to pay attention, and due to my outstanding memory, I could basically recite it to Alessandra. The look on her face was priceless I could stare at her all day.

"It's so beautiful Aaron," Alessandra says staring at the ceiling artwork.

"Indeed, it is" I respond my eyes never leaving her.

I finish the tour walking through a random hallway that all leads to spare bedrooms. I knew I would have to bring it up soon but was unsure exactly how she would take it so here goes nothing. Before I even open my mouth she gotta open hers.

"So I'm guessing these are all spare rooms which ones mine" shining her egar smile at me. God, she beamed with innocence.

"Well darling, you can choose whichever one you like except for the one at the end of the hall and mine of course." I have to admit I wasn't really expecting her to want to be in the same room as me to start so, I was going to keep that room off-limits for now.

"What about this one... whys the door red?"

"Not this one love." I'm stern but intrigued that her curiosity overrules her fear.

"Well, why not? I want this one" she pouts

"No. End of story this room is off-limits," I say this time causing her to stop insisting.

"For now," I mumble inaudible to her.

"Geez, I'm starving" changing the mood completely. She just gives me a weary smile kind of mad that I change the subject so quickly.

"I could eat" she replies her face still in a slight pout over the stupid room.

However, within a split second, her face lights up a huge smile growing across her face and mine as well realizing what we're both thinking. At the same time, we both yell "CHINESE" and burst into laughter, just like old times.

When were worked together doing mission all over the world we would have food competitions. We would often have to stay apart from each other, off the radar because two people together about our height could be suspicious. So we would compete to see who could find the best food places in the town we were staying at.

We did different types of food but Chinese was our favorite. We also loved Indian and Greek but Chinese was our go too. We would both find what place we would guess to have the best Chinese food and then when we came back together were would try both usually causing arguments and never really coming to a consensus. After we would find a nearby ice cream place side on the curb and decide who won. It would usually lead to playful banter over who won because we could never choose a clear-cut winner. Honestly, we were usually extremely drunk at that point so we never even remember what the food was like. It had become quite the tradition

"Hey come on, let's go. I know this great place nearby" I say eagerly.

"We'll see if it beats my favorite place" Al challenges me.

We walk through the streets together as if we were both not heavily wanted for multiple counts of murder and theft. We get to the restaurant. I know the owner personally, and he knows a lot about me and he also is a great friend of the mafia. He seats us in the private back room and Alessandra rolls her eyes at me.

"Of course, you know the owner." She needs an attitude check. If it was up to me, I would throw her over my lap and teach her lesson right here right now. But that would most definitely confuse her, which as cute as it would be is not the best way t do this.  I need her to learn more about it first.

"Watch the attitude, Alessandra." She flushes red.

"Hey, guys. This is Alessandra '' I introduce her to the owner. She just waves awkwardly giving me a slight glare for just outing her name in public like that.

The owner looks back at me "This is Alessandra... the Alessandra '' I blush this time. Panic flashes in Al's face.

He reads her panic "oh don't worry kid I won't out you like that It's just I heard a lot about you" he gives me a quick glance before walking away laughing.

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