Chapter 13

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The adrenaline was pumping I had to run as far away from him as possible. He was way too fast I could not lose him for God's sake did he have to actually try. Bitch.

I thought my hiding spot was really good why did he have to ruin it like that he really did not have to do all that like I would have gotten away if his grip was not so damn tight. Will, he ever let me win for God's sake it's so annoying.

When he lifted me up oh my god, I thought that I would die, what was he doing to me. My mind was in loops trying to figure him out. It's like he wanted to try this relationship thing but he also really didn't.

The way he picked me up with such care but passion at the same time made me melt, I felt a need for him no matter how much I wanted to stay away from him it's like I was pulled back to him every time. All I wanted was validation.

I'm honestly down for anything at this point so whatever he wants he better claim it because I'm not staying around.


I walked up to my room after he had just left me sitting there on the couch. I cannot even begin to fandom the disappointment I felt after he just left me like that.

I went to enter my room but it's like that red door was calling me. I just wanted to know why it was so off-limits. Don't do it bitch. He gave strict instruction. Just a peek at what the hell could possibly be in there that's such a secret. I mean it can't be that bad, I have known him for so long he never had secrets from me.

I walk up to it quietly making sure to avoid too much noise because his room was right across from it. I go to open it but I hesitate. Could it be bad, damn? Why do I always have to be so curious? I hate this I need to know. It will kill me this mystery. I try the door... it doesn't budge. Damn, come on. I try it again it's locked.

I take the bobby pin out of my hair... ok I know a bit despite but still I'm really interested and he kind of pissed me off so I want to open it. It's dark and I can't even see what the lock on the door looks like. I feel around with my hand trying to find where I can unlock it.

I finally have the door completely unlocked but something stops me. I take a deep breath I can't hold it much longer I must know what is behind that door. I turn the doorknob and a gust of strong cologne hits me. Damn if he wore that I would simply perish. The door is barely open but I'm still hesitant to walk in. What the hell is he protecting. All of a sudden something feels off.

I feel a presence other than mine in the hallway. Panic starts to set in. Before I can move a muscle, a hand is placed over mine on the doorknob and it's slammed in my face. I ripped my hand from under his and stare at the door praying he'll leave. Fuck I messed up. In a swift movement, a hand is wrapped around my neck and I'm turned and pushed back into a wall. This is all your fault you should have listened.

"I remember giving specific instruction that this room was off-limits, am I right?" Aarons stern voice clouds my mind

My breathing is hitched not only because his hand is firmly pressed against my neck but because I am speechless. How the fuck did he hear me.

"I asked you a question Alessandra," Aaron says in the same tone.

"Y-yes you are" I answer innocently trying not to die by his hand.

"Good so now that I know you didn't lose your memory... What exactly do you think you're doing then?" He asks.

This room being pitch black is horrible, not being able to see anything is killing me. I can tell he's angry but why is possible in the room that makes him so protective of it.


This sneaky little kitten is really trying to get into the room I specifically told her not to. She is curious though I like it. I'm glad that I intrigue her mind but I know damn well that she is not in any way shape or form ready to see what's behind the door.

I'm still in disbelief that she got in; I'm not even going to lie I was standing in the corner the entire time watching her ready to scold her failed attempts but she actually manages to beat my lock. I'll be changing it before tomorrow but she does not need to know that.

It got me mad that she made it in. Why can't she just listen? I know damn well that anything in that room would scare her enough to leave. But why. Why did she have to make it so difficult to ease into things? I took every inch of my heart that is made up of her to not open that door and drag her in there and throw her over my lap. She had better watch it because the closer we get the farther I get from being distant.

I forced myself back to my room after sending her to hers. All I really wanted was to be with her but she had to make things so difficult. I was angry and could not be around her without finding a way to let it out. So, off to drink my problems away. I'll be going over some rules tomorrow as necessary, not all of them but maybe ill add a few from the contract. Thank God I don't have work cause she can not be left alone in my house.

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