18, Secrets & San Fransisco. P1

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Daniel and I are still sitting on the couch downstairs, and I ask him if he wants to go to bed or not. He shakes his head.

'No, let's do something. I mean, I am tired, just don't want to say goodnight just yet.' I smile at him, and we think for a bit.

'What about a little road trip?' Daniel asks me and I raise my eyebrows at him.

'Where would we be going?' I ask back. He shrugs his shoulders.

'Wherever I drive us.' He grins at me and we excitedly get off the couch. I put on my shoes and get the blanket and pillows from the guestroom.

I walk back into the kitchen and Daniel is looking in the fridge.

'Don't disappear in there, okay?' I ask and he twirls around.

'Shit, you scared me. I was looking for snacks, but I guess we have to go to a drugstore.' Daniel explains why his head was in there. I nod my head.

'Sure, you got everything?' I ask and put on my jacket and grab my phone and wallet. Daniel does the same and nods his head.

'Let's go, Andy.' He grabs my hand and pulls me towards his car. I open the car when I suddenly hear a voice.

'Where are you guys going?' I scream and look up.

'Fuck you, Jack!' I yell and he starts laughing. He's standing on his balcony, and I roll my eyes at him.

'We're going on a road trip, bro.' Daniel answers Jack and I put everything in the car.

'Will you be home when we wake up?' I look at Daniel and he shrugs his shoulders.

'Don't know. Don't think so.' He answers for us.

'Can you tell Zach I won't be getting breakfast with him tomorrow. Tell him I'll make it up to him!' I yell and Jack nods his head.

'Sure thing!'

'Okay, thank you! We're going, okay?'

'Have fun, kids. Be careful!' Jack waves at us and we wave back.

'Goodnight, Jacky!' I yell before Daniel and I both get in the car.

We arrive at the drugstore after a few minutes and quickly get into the store.

'Fuck, it's freezing.' I say and rub my hands together. Daniel grabs my hands and kisses them both.

'Thank you, but that doesn't make them any warmer.' I say and laugh. Daniel rolls his eyes.

'Thought I would be nice.' He responds and grabs one of my hands, pulling me further into the store. We grab bottles of water, candy, chips and Daniel gets us some more coffee.

We argue about who will pay but I eventually win and pay for everything.

'Ha! You will never win from me, Seavey.' I say. Daniel has his arms wrapped around my waist. He chuckles and his chest vibrates against my back.

'Oh, sure thing. Next time I'm the one who's paying.' He responds. I roll my eyes but don't respond. We thank the woman before walking back to the car.

'Where are we even going? You got a bit of an idea?' I ask Daniel while we get back into the car.

I happily take the coffee from his hands and put mine around it for the warmth. We both buckle up before he starts the engine.

'Well, I thought we could drive up to San Francisco.' Daniel answers casually. He looks at me and my eyes widen.

'Are you serious?' I ask and Daniel nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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