7, Breakfast & Trending

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I blink a few times before I fully open my eyes.
I stretch my arms and groan out.
Damn, I slept well.
I sit up and I need a few seconds to realise where I am.
I remember I stayed the night at the boys their house and I get out of bed.
I stare at myself in the body length mirror.

My hair looks like a mess and I try to brush it out with my fingers.
I walk into the bathroom and wash my face, trying to get as much make-up off my face.
I look down at the shirt.
It’s a Guns & Roses shirt and I smile to myself.
It still smells like Daniel and it looks kind of cute on me.

Suddenly my stomach growls and I laugh.
Time to get some food.
While walking out I grab my phone from the nightstand and turn it back on.
I hear muffled voices and I walk into the living room when suddenly the voices stop talking.
I look up and the five boys are staring at me with wide eyes.
I lock my phone and awkwardly stand in the middle of the room.

I see their eyes traveling down my body and I pull Daniel his shirt down.
‘Uh… Good morning.’ I say and all the boys snap back to reality.
They awkwardly cough and look away from me.
‘Good morning.’ They say and I turn away, walking into the kitchen.

I frown my eyebrows at their weird behaviour and grab a glass from the cupboard.
I fill it with water and chug it all down at once.
‘How’d you sleep?’
I spin around and Daniel smiles at me. ‘Oh, uh good. Yeah, I was gone within seconds.’ I answer and put the glass on the counter.

‘Good. The shirt looks good on you.’
I smile at him.
‘Thank you, also for letting me borrow it.'
We walk back into the living room and the boys are watching tv.
‘Hey, An. We wanted to go out to grab some food. Do you want to go with us?’ Zach asks and I nod.
‘Yeah, I’m pretty hungry. Like really hungry actually.’
I quickly run back into the guestroom and put the jumpsuit back on from yesterday’s evening.

I look at the shirt and decide to wear it over the jumpsuit.
I put a knot on the bottom and it actually looks really good.
When I’m done I walk back out and grab my purse.
The boys are waiting for me, as usual, and we walk out towards their garage.

‘Nice shirt.’ Daniel nudges my shoulder and I grin at him.
‘Well, thank you.’
Jonah gets into a car which I assume is his and the rests climbs in.
I sit down next to Jonah and put my seatbelt on.
Jonah starts the car and drives off.

We listen to some music when I realise what I am actually doing.
I start to panic while I think of the idea fans seeing me with them and spreading hate or something.
‘Hey, hey, are you alright? An?’
My head snaps up and Jack looks at me, through the rear-view mirror, with worry in his eyes.
I shake my head and nibble on my bottom lip.
‘What’s wrong?’ Corbyn asks and tells Jonah to stop somewhere on the side of the road.

Jonah does as he says and I unbuckle my seatbelt.
I put my face in my hands and try to focus on my breathing.
‘It’s just that I’m scared.’ I say after my breathing is back to normal.
‘Scared of what?’ Zach asks confused.
I look at them.
‘Don’t get me wrong but I’m quite scared if someone will recognise you. I mean, they’ll see me with you and probably assume a lot of things. I might exaggerate things here but I’m just not ready for hate or something.’

They all look at me understandingly. ‘We get it,’ Daniel says. ‘we do. And I can tell you that you’re wrong but you’re probably not. I love our fans but they can be… a bit harsh towards the people we hang around with. Especially girls.’
‘But don’t let that get in the way of a fun day with us. We’ll try to not get attention and we’ll protect you if something happens.’
Jack his words reassure me just like Daniel’s.
I slightly smile at them.
‘Thanks for the pep talk.’ I say to them.

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