3, LP's & Nicknames

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I search his number in my phone and dial it. I nibble on my bottom lip while waiting to hear his voice.
‘What’s up sucker?’ I grin hearing Noah his voice.
‘Dickhead.’ I respond back.

‘Alright, I’m going, An.’ I laugh.
‘No, no, wait. I was wondering if you want to go to the record store with me?’ I ask sweetly and I know for a fact Noah is rolling his eyes on the other side of the call.

‘I have to work in like an hour, An. I can’t go with you.’ He answers and I sigh out deeply.
‘Damnit.’ I mumble into the phone. Noah chuckles and shuffles around on the other end.
‘I’m sorry.’ He says and I hear his smile. It stays silent for a bit.

‘Are you sure you can’t come today?’ I ask Noah through my phone while randomly walking through my house. ‘No, I really can’t ditch work again. They’ve already warned me two times. Besides that, I do need the money, An.’ I roll my eyes even though I know he is right.

‘Fine, I’ll go to the record store on my own.’
‘You can do it.’ He laughs.
‘No, because who should I ask for advice on music now, huh?’ I know he is rolling his eyes before answering.
‘I don’t care, An. I am not ditching work. Goodbye.’ He says sternly but I can hear his smirk clearly.
‘Alright, goodbye.’ I hang up on the phone and sigh deeply.

I think about all the other people I can take with me. I walk up the stairs towards my brother his room.
‘Alex?’ I ask while banging on the door. ‘What?’ I walk in and he turns around away from his laptop-screen.

He looks at me with raised eyebrows. ‘Do you need anything?’ he asks eventually and I nod.
‘Will you go to the record store with me, please?’ I ask and smile as sweetly as I can. My brother frowns his eyebrows, probably surprised I’m asking him and not Noah.

‘Can’t Noah go with you?’ he asks. See, told you. I shake my head and nibble on my bottom lip.
‘He needs to start at work in about an hour.’ I answer. My brother thinks for a bit and eventually shakes his head.
‘I really can’t, An. I have a lot of homework to catch on to. Besides why should you get another record? This is the fourth time this month. The fourth! And we are two weeks into July, you know that right?’

I groan out and plop down on his bed. ‘Don’t judge me, Alex.’ I say and sigh out. Alex turns back towards his laptop and I lean on my elbows.
‘Why is everyone busy when I need help?’ I ask.
‘You’re so dramatic.’ Alex responds and I gasp.
‘Am not.’
‘Just go on your own, it’s really no big deal.’
‘Fine. Bye Alex.’

I stand back up and walk out of his room. I swear he is of no use, at all.
I walk back into my room and lay down on my bed.

Today it is Thursday and my parents are out of town. I really want to get another LP from the record store but no one is available to join me. Not even my own brother… My own flesh and blood.

Okay I may be a bit dramatic but that is not the point. My point is that I now have to go on my own and have to ask some stranger for advice on what LP I should buy. You know what, whatever, I really want a new one so I’ll just man up.

I run down the stairs and grab my skateboard. As I walk through the door I realise I have to go grocery-shopping since mom and dad are out of town.

I turn back around and grab my car-keys. I get into my car with some shopping-bags before starting the engine and driving off towards the record store.

I park my car on the opposite side of the road and quickly cross the street before walking into the store. I greet the cashier before walking towards all the LP’s. I grab a few LP’s and look through them.

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