9, Parties & Challenges

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As we arrive back at their house I see the other three vans didn’t arrive. ‘Where are the others?’
‘They went home to change for the party. They’ll get here when they’re done.’ Jack answers and I follow him inside the house.

I put my coat on the hanger and leave my shoes at the door.
I totally forgot about the party! Now that I remember again I get excited.
‘Is it okay if I shower in here?’ I ask no one in particular and Daniel looks up at me.
‘Yeah, sure,’ he says while pulling off his shoes. ‘wait, I’ll show you the bathroom.’

I follow him upstairs and into one of the bathrooms.
‘This is the bathroom of Jack and I but you can use it. We don’t have shampoo for women though. You can use whatever you like.’ I nod my head and smile at him thankfully.
‘Thank you,’ I say. ‘I’ll be quick.’
‘Oh no, take all the time you need. The party is being setup downstairs. It’ll take a while.’ Daniel says and smiles. I nod my head before closing the door and locking it.

While I wash my hair and body I hum along to a song from my phone.
I smile thinking about all the fun times with the boys.
It feels like it has been a long time ago when I didn’t know them.
I’m glad we accidentally met and now being friends is even better.

When I’m done I open the curtain from the shower to only frown my eyebrows. I look around the bathroom trying to figure out what’s wrong.
I stare at my reflection and realize I didn’t get any towels.
I step out of the shower and open every drawer and cupboard to find everything but towels.
I groan out in frustration.
I knock on the door hoping one of the boys hears me. I wait a few seconds but don’t hear anything. I sigh out and knock louder.
‘Hello?’ I yell desperately.

‘Andy?’ I hear after a few minutes. ‘Everything okay?’ I recognise Daniel his voice and sigh out relieved.
‘Uh, yeah, I mean no. You guys don’t have any towels in here.’ I say from the other side of the door.
‘Huh? Did you open the top cupboard?’ I do as he says but the cupboard is empty.
‘Nope, nothing.’
‘I’ll get you some from the other bathroom, wait.’

I hear Daniel his footsteps fade away and goose bumps appear on my skin.
It iss getting cold and water is dripping on the ground from my hair.
After a few seconds I hear a soft knock on the door.
I unlock it and open it a bit. Daniel faces the other way and he holds out a towel for me to grab.
‘Thank you.’ I say quietly and quickly shut the door again.
I quickly dry myself and hold the towel close around me before opening the door fully.
Here goes nothing.

I step out and the room is empty, confirming me Daniel left again.
I doubt if I should walk downstairs and quickly into the guestroom to change or if I should ask for help once again.
I shake my head at the last option and yank open the door from Daniel his room, leading towards the stairs.
I look outside and don’t see the boys anywhere.

I quickly run down the stairs and hear their voices.
‘Is that Andrea?’
'Yeah, I think she’s finally done.'
I hear footsteps coming towards me and try to yell to don’t come into the hall but it is too late.
Two pair of eyes meet mine and they quickly scan my body.

‘Hey, eyes are up here!’ I yell and Zach and Jonah snap out of there gaze.
They turn bright red, Zach awkwardly scratches the back of his head and Jonah looks everywhere but me.
‘I’m almost done.’ Is the only thing I say before running into the guestroom and shutting it quickly.
What the fuck is going on right now?

I lean against the door for a few seconds.
That did not just happen.
I shake the thought away.
I change into my new jumpsuit and smile at myself in the body length mirror.
I twirl around once more before opening the door and walking out.

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