13, Songs & Smores

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A month has flown by; full with Christmas presents and family-dinners. The last few hours of 2017 have begun. I think back and realize how different my life is now, compared to the beginning of this year.
I shake the thought away and look around the room.
I'm standing in the living room of the boys' their house and they are preparing a whole meal for tonight.

The boys invited Noah and I over to celebrate New Year's Eve.
We're going to play some games and hang out with each other, nothing big. I put down the two cakes I made and smile down on them proudly.
'That looks nice, Andy.' The voice behind me scares me and I whip around. Daniel smiles down on me and I grin up at him.
'They taste even better.' I say and give him a hug.

The whole kissing situation has died down, luckily. The first few times we saw each other after the kiss were, and do believe me when I say this, pretty awkward.
I didn't know how to act around him and neither did Daniel.
Luckily the whole situation is forgotten and we can go and act natural around each other again.
I talked to Corbyn about it a few other times and even the others know we kissed, but they never made a scene about it, which I'm glad about.

We all gather around the dinner table and my eyes widen when I see all the food. Damn, everything looks so good!
I quickly sit down and wait for everyone else to sit. Jack and Daniel both sit down on each side of me. As soon as everyone sits I start digging in. 'Eager much?' Daniel asks me and I roll my eyes at him.
'You know the answer is yes, why ask?' I ask after I swallowed my first bite of delicious mac and cheese.
'I find you very adorable.' He responds. My cheeks heat up and I quickly glance at him and thank him.

Everyone is just talking about random stuff and I look around the room.
I smile at how Jack and Zach are pestering each other and I find Corbyn extremely adorable as he's talking about a crazy space story again.
As my eyes land on Noah I'm just really glad he's still a big part of my life.
He feels I'm looking at him and his eyes meet mine. I smile at him and he winks before turning back to the conversation with Jonah.

Jonah is such an amazing and caring guy. I'm really glad we met and he cares for me like an older brother.
I look next to me and I can't hide my smile. Daniel is out of this world.
If I could thank one person in particular it would definitely be him. Gosh, this boy is going to be the death of me one day.

'Stop throwing food at Zach, Avery. You are going to need to clean everything.' I say and Jack throws his food back on his plate and pouts at me.
I ruffle his hair at how adorable he looks. Within seconds the left side of Jack his face is covered in chocolate pudding.
Both our eyes widen and I start laughing immediately. Jack groans out and asks through gritted teeth: 'Please, may I throw something back?' I smirk at him and quickly nod my head.

'You may.' Without saying twice his hands take food off his plate and throws it at Zach.
Before we know what is happening everyone is in the middle of a food-fight.
'Guys, stop!' I yell and a hamburger hits my face. I groan out and grab food from my own plate.
I don't know who threw that but I start throwing food in different directions. This is weirdly enough super fun to do.

'Go get your dirty asses clean, gentlemen.' I say after everyone is done with throwing food around.
I shake my head at everyone and laugh at how some of them look.
'Yeah, An, is right. We should hit the shower before It's midnight. There are only four hours left of 2017.' Jonah says and motions everyone over to get into action.
Everyone goes up to their bathrooms and I sigh out looking at the table. I start cleaning up when I hear a voice behind me.

'Very sweet of you but we can take care of this ourselves.' I whip around and I groan out at Daniel.
'If you keep doing that I will have an actual heart attack.' I respond. Daniel chuckles at me and starts helping me clean the table.
'I know you can do this yourselves, but I don't mind helping.' I say to him and hand him the last two plates.
'Shouldn't you go and clean yourself?' I ask him, pointing at all the food on his face and in his hair. He nods and grins down on me.
'Yeah, you're probably right. But, I could say the same to you.' He responds. I look at the reflection in the oven and groan out.
'Well, damn.' I mumble to myself and put everything in the dishwasher.

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