2, Orders & Strangers

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Before I really can comprehend what happened a whole week passes by. The whole goddamn week is only filled with working and working and working.

I work at this little café a few blocks away from my house. If you wonder how I got there I'll explain to you why.

One day I wanted to buy myself a new record from the music store downtown. I couldn't afford it and I literally cried for four days straight.

One day I stopped crying and I was determined to get that record somehow. I talked to my parents and they told me to go out and find a job. This little café was literally the first thing I walked into and I got the job.

After getting my first pay check I went back to the music store and guess what? The record wasn't available anymore. I cried for another two days. That was the last time I couldn't afford a record.

It's a pretty simple story.

Anyway, today is the last day before I have one day off from work. I sigh out but drag myself out of bed. I really don't want to go if I'm being honest. But I can't not go, right?

Work is really the only exception to be on time. I'm always late everywhere I go. No one is surprised anymore when I arrive late.

When I went to high school the teachers eventually stopped bothering me about it. They literally accepted I would always be late first period. I swear I never arrive late on purpose.

One time I was ten minutes late at work and I felt really guilty. I don't like the feeling of guilty, I hate the feeling of it. So I started arriving on time. But literally only work though.

I do my things in my bathroom while listening to some random songs on Spotify. I put some mascara on before walking back into my room.

Suddenly loud music starts playing from the room next to me. I roll my eyes and make my way towards my brother his room.

I bang the door loudly but I get no response. I do it again but still nothing. I count to three and push the door open. My annoying brother looks up with raised eyebrows.

'What?' he yells over the beats. I cross my arms over my chest.
'Put the damn music on a lower volume!' I yell back. He shakes his head. 'I can't hear you!' he yells back.
'Alex you have literally three seconds or I will unplug it myself!' I yell and immediately start counting.

He rolls his eyes once more before putting the damn song on pause.
'What is your problem?' he asks.
'You! Who puts music on this early in the morning? Dad is still sleeping.' I say and his eyes widen.
'Oh shit, for real?' I nod my head.
'Well I guess not anymore.'

I hear footsteps behind me and I know it's our father. I let my father into the room of my twin brother.
'Told you.' I mouth before walking back into my room.

I look at my watch and I have another thirty minutes to get ready. I smile to myself, feeling accomplished that I won't be late to work.

I change into my work clothes and head downstairs. While eating some toasted bread I look outside one of the windows and suddenly blue eyes appear in-front of me. I quickly blink and they disappear again.

I frown thinking back at that day in the park. Those piercing blue eyes hunt me, seriously. I've not really thought of the boys again but now I really start to wonder where I know them from.

Once again I shake the thought and gather my things before heading towards work.

I walk in and head straight towards the back.
'Hello sunshine!' Barbara, the owner of the café, greets me and I hug her. She's the sweetest ever.
She and her Husband Bill opened this café about thirty-five years ago. Sadly her husband has passed away about three years ago, but she's still here and makes her husband proud.

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