8, Revealing & Questions

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The past few weeks have actually been very quiet, to my surprise.
The hype about the “mysterious” girl lasted for a good two days before everyone decided it wasn’t a big deal anymore.
I was happy the hype died down because I really hated all the attention, even though the Limelights hadn’t figured out yet who I am.

I met up with the boys a few more times, us only having fun.
The boys once came over to my house to meet up with Noah again.
I’m glad they get along.
Right now I’m walking through a store with Noah strolling behind me.

Today is the day the boys and I will get to see the music video.
I’m super excited and I can’t wait to see which scenes Eli had chosen.
After seeing the video and airing it on YouTube the party will take place at the boys their house.
That’s the reason Noah and I are walking through a clothing store at the moment.
I have to find an outfit for the party.
I grab a few items before walking into a changing room.
‘Stay here.’ I tell Noah before closing the curtain and undressing.

The first dress I put on is way too short. As I bend down my butt cheeks are on full display.
‘Hell no.’ I mutter to myself.
‘What is it?’ Noah asks and within seconds the curtain is pushed to the side and Noah stares at my outfit.
His eyes widen.
‘I know way too short.’ I say and he nods his head repeatedly.

‘If I was your dad there was no way in hell you went out of the house wearing that.’
I roll my eyes.
‘I’m very happy you are not my dad.’ I say while pushing him back out.
I quickly undress again and the second dress is see through.
What the fuck?
Why does every dressmaker think we girls want to go out of the house half naked?

I sigh out and grab the last item of clothing.
I decided against another dress and I grab a short jumpsuit
It has lots of glitter and glam and I actually like it.
I pray to god it will look good on me.
I change into it and turn my body towards the mirror.
I twirl around and smile brightly.

‘What do you think?’ I ask while shoving the curtain open.
Noah is staring down at his phone.
He looks up and puts the phone back in his pocket.
‘Damn, girl,’ he whistles. ‘you look fine as hell.’
I grin at him.
‘You’re not joking, right?’ suddenly a bit insecure.
‘No, An. I’m dead serious. This is the one.’
I smile at him and change back into my old clothes.
I grab the jumpsuit and happily walk up to the cashier.

We soon get home and my phone starts ringing.
Without looking at the caller-id I pick up.
‘Hello?’ I ask while drinking some apple juice.
‘An? Where are you?’ Jack’s voice asks on the other side of the phone.
I frown my eyebrows.
‘What do you mean where am I? I’m at home.’ I answer while putting my things down on the dinner table.

‘We have been calling you for the past thirty minutes. We are all waiting here for you to arrive. The music video?’
I look at my watch.
‘Shoot!’ I yell and end the call before Jack can say another word.
I quickly grab all my things and almost forget the bag with my new jumpsuit.
I was supposed to be at their house at 1 PM and it’s now 1.36 PM.
I thank Noah for helping me before jumping into my car and speeding towards the boys their house.

When I finally pull up it’s almost 2 o’clock.
I walk in and Zach and Daniel greet me in the hall.
‘Finally!’ they yell together.
‘She’s here!’ Zach yells and Daniel pulls me into a hug.
‘We should’ve known you would be late, Andy.’ He says grinning at me and I roll my eyes.
‘I tried, okay?’

We walk into the living room and the other boys run up to me collapsing down on me while pulling me into a hug.
‘Guys,’ I gasp. ‘can’t breathe.’
They quickly pull back and all say their hi’s to me.
‘Why are you late?’ Corbyn asks while crossing his arms, pretending to be mad.
I roll my eyes at him.

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