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Akash POV

I started to read that mf details and in that, I found out he is the leader of one of the powerful gang which he himself started. The only thought which came to mind was "The game with him is going to be interesting". I turned towards Vivaan and asked.

Akash: Vivaan?

Vivaan: Yes bro.

Akash: What do you think about attacking Tej's drug and weapon bases?

I asked with a smirk.

Vivaan: It is a good idea bro, but there is a chance of a gang war between his (Tej) gang and other gangs, as he might think one of his enemy gangs did it.

Akash: Send our gang's symbol and a warning letter to him mentioning about our attack. I will make him pay for what he did to my apsaras.

I said as I don't like to hide and attack, I like to attack the person strait forward. 

Akash: Get ready to face the devil Tej.

I said and went to the hospital, as I already stated to miss my apsaras. I went to the hospital and went near her room when I was about to open the door, I heard a male voice and I slightly open the door and saw who was inside. And, I saw a scene that was making me fume in jealous my apsaras in a man's embrace and she (Avisha) was also hugging that person back. I opened the door wide and enter the room making them both pull away from each other, I didn't spare a glance at the person who was hugging my apsaras, I was looking only at my apsaras as I might end up killing the person, as he touched which should be touched only by me, she is only mine. Just seeing her (Avisha) face made my anger to fly away.  

Avisha: Akash, you left a few hours ago only right? What happened, why you came back? Is there any problem?

She asked me in a confused and worried tone.

Akash: Everything is ok Avisha, I came back as I was worried about you.

???: You don't need to worry about her, I am here to take of her.

I turned my head to see the person and saw the man who was hugging my apsaras a few minutes ago, I have already met this guy, but I don't remember his name.

Akash: You are?

I asked him.

???: I am Rishi and I am here to take care of Avisha, so you don't need to worry about her.

Who the hell is he to take care of my apsaras, I was very much angry, as I don't like it when any man is around my apsaras. I was feeling an urge of killing him, but I controlled my urge and gave him a cold look, which made him shiver lightly, but he composed himself. I smirked seeing him.

Avisha: Guys, stop with your childish drama, I am feeling bored sitting in this same room. Will you take me out? 

I nodded my head and was about to go near her, but that son of b****h Rishi went near Avisha before me, but I was fast enough and pick her (Avisha) up from the bed and kept her in a wheelchair, as she was still weak. Then, I took the saline bottle and fix in the rod in the wheelchair, as the IV tube was still connected in her which was connected to the saline. I looked at the Rishi through the corner of my eyes and I saw him sending daggers towards me through his eyes, I shot him back with a glare which made him to take a step back. I again turned to my apsaras and asked her.

Akash: Where do you want to go?

Avisha: Anywhere, I just want to go out of this room.

Akash: Ok.

I said and start to push the wheelchair in which she was sitting towards the elevator on that floor. Rishi was following a few steps away from us, we three enter the elevator, I press the ground floor button, and the lift opened on the ground floor, I took her to the garden which is in the center of the hospital.

Meanwhile with Tej


I was walking back and forth in my room.

Tej: Tesoro, once I make you mine, I will not allow anyone to see you nor will let you see anyone. YOU ARE ONLY MINE, MINE FOREVER AND EVER!

I shouted the last sentence seeing Avisha's photo which is in my room. Suddenly, my mobile rang, I went near the nightstand as my mobile was placed there and attended the call.

Guard: Boss, some guards came and attacked the base.

Tej: WHAT?!

Guard: And, they also left a letter here.

What will be Tej's reaction, when he gets to know about the person who attacked his base?

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