Chapter 17 - Problems already

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Natalie's POV

So me and Frank have been together just over a month and it started off literally perfect. No more texts from my friends, it's hard knowing they have up on me but it's for the best on their parts. But as I was saying it was like we were in one of those relationships everybody says they hate but secretly want one. But I loved it, the flowers, the cute dates everything about it was amazing.

But you see it only lasted about 2 weeks and it went drastically downhill.. He started spending less time around me or the guys, arguing and the fact I never know where he is. I know right, do I sound controlling or what? But you see when I say "I never know where he is" I literally mean it he disappears for days on end causing the bands management to have to cancel shows and give refunds meaning they weren't earning as much money, not saying they're currently in a bad money situation because they're not but it just wasn't good for the reputation of the band and I can tell how hard it was for them to cancel on their fans considering how much they love and respect them.

I really feel like all this is my fault. The whole atmosphere on the bus is constantly awkward, Gerard and Frank don't talk well that's when he's actually on the bus, Gerard and Mikey aren't talking for some reason and when they do Mikey gets upset and returns to his bunk out of the way and well Ray doesn't talk much anyway to be honest. But me? I never talk anymore.

I don't know how something so beautiful turned into something so horrific. It wasn't just the fact of what's been going on to me, it's the fact he let what he had together go to shit because he decided to have a constant temper tantrum.

I'm suddenly brought out of my thoughts to see a drunk Frank stumble through the tour bus door. Gerard stormed up to him and grabbed him by the collar and slammed him back against the bus door

"Where the fuck have you been this time!?" Gerard screams in his face, his eyes slightly bloodshot from anger, Frank just smirks at him and shakes his head

"None of your fucking business" Frank slurs to himself but he's blatantly so drunk that he's hardly audible

"None of my business yeah? Well its my business when the band goes to shit because of you. Its my business when you're girlfriend won't talk to anybody ever anymore" Gerard glared straight at him but still held him against the door "but you never thought of that did you, all you ever think about is yourself" He let him go and turned around looking me in the eye for the first time in weeks and gave me a small weak smile before turning back to the bunks, when I looked back I see Ray glaring at Frank, before he too got up and walked to the bunks, leaving just me and Frank alone in the sitting area of the bus.

When he'd finally left I turned my gaze back towards him he stood there glaring at me with such hatred in his eyes, I've never seen somebody with so much anger and hatred aimed towards me before, not even Bill. He then suddenly sneered "What the actusl fuck Natalie? What did you say to them? You trying to twist them into a little game against me isn't going to work you know. I'm closer to all of them than you'll ever be so don't try and ruin my friendships because you're being a little bitch" he glared at me again waiting for an answer

"I-I didn't do anything?" I said slightly in shock by the venom in his voice, once I recovered I took in the words he just said to me and felt the same amount of anger aimed at him "but guess what Frank you're fucking everything else up on your own, I'm not helping with it or causing  it you're obviously quite fucking capeable of doing that on your own. So stop blaming whatever the fuck is going on in your head Frank on me and everyone else this is all you!" I have never spoke to somebody with such anger before and honestly hope I never have to do it again, I saw the slight hurt in his eyes when he heard what I had to say to him but was soon covered up with just as much anger as I gave him.

"You know what Natalie? I'm done with you. You fucked everything up the minute we met you. If anything I wish you died on the night of what Bill did to you. You disgust me" he said that and didn't give me a second glance before storming off to the bunks

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