Chapter 9 - Well that wasn't awkward at all..

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Ray's POV

Natalie ended up falling asleep on Franks bed. I'm not gonna lie, I am jealous. I think she just thinks I don't like her or something like that but truthfully I like her a lot, not gonna lie but probably a bit too much even for my own liking. When Frank told Gee about Natalie and what she said told him, Gerard then instantly told me and Mikes and told us to be careful what we mention around her, not so that we were being nosy just so we didn't intentionally hurt her.

Her story completely broke me. I couldn't believe what an asshole of a mother and step father she had. Who would leave their own kid with a man who is obviously dangerous? Somebody that didn't care that's for sure.

"Ray?...Ra-" I started randomly hearing my name...
"RAYYYYYBEARRRR" Frank yelled in my ear, I just shit a brick. I fell straight off the couch face first into the uncomfortable carpet
"Fucking hell Frank! You've probably woken Natalie now!" Gerard said in an angry tone, he wasn't shouting but it almost seemed as bad, when Gee uses that tone of voice you know you're in trouble, he doesn't even need to raise his voice
"Shit! I forgot..." He said, you could see the worry in his face now, oh Frank, you're in too deep
"I'll go check" I said getting up, they both gave me weird looks seeing as they thought I wasn't really one to be too worried about Natalie, oh boy aren't they wrong... I went over to Franks room and gently opened door seeing as if she was still asleep I didn't want to wake her. I went inside and closed the door as quietly as I literally could. She was still asleep luckily and was snoring lightly, she looked adorable.

I really need to get this girl out of my head, she 17 to fuck sake! Even though Frank is still 22, he is younger than me, I'm 27 just like Gerard , 10 years is a long time, and even if I was younger I shouldn't even be thinking about being with her, I have a girlfriend! That just isn't me. I don't want to be a cheat. I never will be a cheat. It isn't moral.

But I honestly have no clue how I'm going to stop thinking about her. Maybe I need to talk to somebody??


Yes, I'll speak to him because no matter what he'll always be there for me and never judge, just like I was for him when he wanted to get clean. I sat and listened to him for hours and I never judged him once. I would talk to Frank as well but seeing as he's so involved with her I don't think he'd like it one little bit.

I have a feeling I should so it sometime before our first show of the Revenge tour tomorrow night, but either Frank or Natalie are always with him and I don't want them knowing that I have a problem in the first place.

Even though I knew it was wrong of me I gave her a light kiss on the cheek, I saw her eyelids starting to flutter so I quickly got up and wondered back out of her room and both Gerard and Frank gave me a really weird look, no wonder why, I caught sight of myself in a glass bowl and realised I'm blushing like a school girl that just got asked out on her first date... Not an appropriate joke for his moment in time.

"Is she still asleep or did the little midget over here wake her?" Gerard smirked at his choice of words, Frank pouted and jumped onto his lap, sometimes I really wonder about Frerard...
"No she was still asleep it's okay" I shot them a small smile and they went back to whatever they were doing before they interrupted me from my thoughts.

I wonder where Mikey is. He always just disappears and we have no clue where he goes but we always seem to forget to ask him where he's actually been.

At that moment she walked out of the bedroom with a confused expression on her face, the two guys look at me really confused and then back to her and smiled. They were probably wondering why I lied about her being asleep

Gerard dropped Frank and walked over to me "I think we need to talk don't you?" Whispered just load enough for me to hear and started walking towards the door.

Short chapter:/

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