Chapter 14 - All I wanted was you

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Natalie's POV

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!
What the actual fuck was I thinking when I said no. Holy shit! Frank asked me out and I said no. I've liked Frank for a while and that's why I had the courage to ask if I'd upset him. But him asking me out was a shock. That realisation that he liked me back was too much.

Why did I say no do you ask? Well anxiety is a bitch. How could I do that to him, the way his face dropped. I'm a terrible person. Anybody would die to be in the position I was just in and yet I couldn't even say yes to the guy I liked, well done Natalie.

I'm considering walking up to him and crashing my lips to his. But anxiety is bitch as I already said aaaand maybe that's a bit far when he's only just asked me out on our first date.

I walked up to Gerard slowly and gave him a small smile, but he could tell there was something wrong by the look he's giving me, he raised an eyebrow and I burst into tears. Wow, way to go Natalie.

"Oh my god what's wrong?!" Gerard asked frantically and he practically jumped into the space between us and placed me into a bone crushing hug

"Fr-Frank a-a-asked me o-out!" I sobbed into his shoulder, he bent down to look at me with a smile on his face

"That's great babe! Wait, so why are you crying?" The smile faded from his face and he gave me a confused look

"I said no! I don't know why but I said no and now I feel really bad because I really like him and have wanted him to ask me out for a while, but of course you knew that anyway" Oh yeah I forgot to say, Gerard is my personal therapist, he knows everything about how I feel about Frank but obviously Frank doesn't know I tell Gerard everything, thank God.

"Oh hun, go talk to him! Tell him how you feel! He'll understand" He said, I nodded slightly and decided to go find him

"Okay... Thanks Gee" I smile again and go looking.

I finally found him, outside smoking a cigarette, I practically ran and jumped on him

"I'm sosososososososososo sorry! I do want to go on a date with you, I panicked and oh my god I regretted walking off so much, please forgive me!" I said, actually I shouted it in his ear whilst I was the one giving him the bone crushing hug this time, I could hear him chuckling slightly and he started to return the hug. Whilst I was being embraced I noticed his scent; cigarettes, energy drink and beer with a tiny bit of washing powder on his clothes, it was honestly the most amazing smell ever.

"Of course I forgive you silly!" He said, almost sounding hurt that I would think such a thing of him

"So, where are we going?" I asked almost trying to get him excited for this date

"A place... Don't dress up! Wear normal clothes as if it was a boiling hot day" He said and smirked. I was confused? Why would he want me to dress for a hot day..?

"When are we going?" I asked, I would have to buy hot day clothes

"Next Friday" He gave me an embarrassed look "I know its a while away but I didn't want you planning anything so I asked ahead" He smiled sheepishly, awe he looks adorable

"Okay" I smile at him and we walk back in holding hands.

I couldn't get anymore happy than I am right now, this was perfection at its finest.

Short chapter://

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