Finding Iero (My Chemical Romance/Frank Iero Love story)

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Hey guys so if you actually go back and read this you'll realise that the chapters that I have actually already wrote and I am going back and updating all of them because they are just plain awful, I'm not deleting the chapters just updating them a little bit so I probably suggest that if you've already read this book that you reread it to see the changes
I started writing this when I was 13 and honestly had no clue what I was doing to be honest but I think I can probably just about salvage this story and save it
I also realise that I haven't updated with new chapters in such a long time but honestly I need to explain; because I'm English we start college at 16 and the work has gotten completely on top of me but now I'm in a good place with my coursework I can start writing again but bare with me I can't guarantee I'll update every week or even every month for that matter but I'll try my hardest and I can't believe so many people have stuck by this story but I'm updating all the chapters as quickly and efficiently as I can and I'll start writing again
Also feedback really helps me in situations like this, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd tell what's good/bad about the book or if there's anything that needs changing, also if you want to private message me about it feel free too I'm always interested in adding other people's ideas
Thank you so much for putting up with me
Gina x


Just so you understand:

Natalie - 17
Frank - 21
Mikey - 22
Ray + Gerard - 24

I've only underaged people so it makes a bit more sense to write, sorry if it confuses you

Finding Iero (My Chemical Romance/Frank Iero Love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ