Chapter 13-If you can't ride two horses at once You should get out of the circus

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Frank POV

I haven't spoken to Ray much this last 2 days, Natalie has noticed and asked what it was about but I just told her not to worry, she looked slightly upset that I used an agitated tone of voice on her  which I felt really fucking guilty for but I intend on asking her out today.

I'm honestly shitting myself. What if she says no? Oh my god, what if she says yes?! I don't know what she'd wanna do on a date! I could be original and go to the cinema or something but I don't think she'd fully enjoy that, I think she'd want a more unique experience. Fuck.

I know, I'll take her to a concert!  It'll be something like an Asking Alexandria concert. I've never listened to them myself but from what Natalie has told me they seem cool. They're a really heavy band from what I've heard as well, I haven't heard all good things about the members though, they'll sleep with anything that has a heartbeat, so Nat will be kept far away from them all.

I hope she enjoy this date, as I've never been the best at dating, the only person I was serious with was Jamia and that didn't end well due the distance of tour but I'm hoping, seeing as Nat is on tour with us and everything that she'll say yes and it'll work out. I defiantly don't normally go as far as taking the girl to a concert, not even with Jamia.

**2 Hours Later**

I'm on my way to do it now. She's stood right there talking to Mikey, she looks fucking gorgeous, a Bring Me The Horizon tank top tucked into high waisted shorts and some red vans. Apart from her epic clothing she's completely natural, all her bruises gone she finally feels comfortable with wearing no makeup and leaving her hair slightly wavy. She looks perfect to be honest.

I've gotta ask her before somebody else does and its too late, I hear her faintly say bye to Mikey and she turns and smiles as me, was walks over slowly and gives me a shy smile

"Hey" she mutters quietly, I don't know why but she always seems quieter around me than everybody else, maybe asking her out is a bad idea. Oh my god, she's uncomfortable around me there's no way she'd go on a date with me. I zone back to reality by Natalie snapping her finger in front of my eyes, she's looking at me like I'm crazy. I probably am. "crazy in love" I tell myself. Wait, what? Love! Phahaha rockstars like me have no time for love! Love doesn't even exist. Or maybe I'm just being blind, some people say you know love when you see it and I could possibly see it now. She's stood right in front of me. Fuck, I should of noticed before! She's basically walking around with neon lights saying "FRANK IERO LOVES ME" but only I was the stupid one who couldn't see it before.

Wow, realisation Frank here.

"Oh...Uhh..S-sorry, hi" I mumbled. I stuttered, what the fuck Frank! I've never stuttered in my life. Wow good job little guy. Shit, I'm arguing with myself, now I'm defiantly crazy.

"Frank I..I wanna ask you something" She said quietly

"I wanna say something too actually" I say, nervous as to what she's gonna ask me

"Have I done something to upset you?" She asked quickly and I was quite taken back

"Urm no? Why?" I asked, completely confused

"Well you've ignored me for about 2 days... I was a little bit worried" She said, blushing slightly afterwards

"Natalie...Will you-" I start but am cut off by Gerard yelling

"Fucking hell Mikey! Be careful" I looked over at him slightly annoyed but then realise Mikey had tripped on those same wires I did and tipped coffee on Gerards lap, I smiled a bit at that seeing clumsy Mikey

"Will I what?" Natalie asks, she had chosen to ignore the coffee incident and keep her eyes on me, she has beautiful eyes. Frank shut the fuck up and get on with it.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I rush out, looking at the floor blushing, this is the only girl who can make me blush.

I looked back up at her to see her stunned face, her mouth opens and closes like a goldfish and she honestly looks too shocked to say something but nothing comes out, I smirk slightly as I think I'm gonna get a date, the cocky side of me is a little bitch.

"Frank, no. I can't" She says, and with that, she runs back onto the bus slamming the door behind her.

Well Fuck.

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