Chapter 8 - Shopping... Oh look a Unicorn

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Natalie's POV

Shopping with the guys was so awesome. They all are completely different when it comes to shops. Ray wants to go in the instrument shop, Mikey wants to get coffee, Gerard moans he wants coffee every 5 seconds and Frank... Well Frank being Frank loves the toy shop, how typical.

It's so cute how they are different but they are all the same at the exact same time and how I manage to fit in completely with them all

We ended up being kicked out of the toy store in the end. It was Gerard and Frank's faults they were the ones who decided to have a lightsaber fight in the middle of the shop. Everybody stopped and stared at them. All the Little kids laughed and asked their moms and dads whether they could join in - the parents just ended glaring at the 2 adults and shook their heads before dragging the children away whilst still glaring at us all.
"I don't like shopping" Mikey ended up whinging like a child, he must of forgotten this was his idea to begin with "OH MY GOD GUYS A UNICORN" He literally screamed that at the top of his voice, I really wonder about that boy sometimes, one minute he's quite the next he's so loud its crazy
"Guys if we don't stop for coffee soon - I will literally sit on the floor and refuse to move" Gerard said jokingly but still with a serious look in his eyes, I just laughed at him - we all looked at the starbucks ahead of us and started sprinting across the mall, this is actually the most fun I'd had in years.

When we were all sat down and drinking our coffee a group of girls probably a couple years younger than me came up to us and asked for photos and autographs, of course they agreed, I ended up taking a huge photo of all of them together. I could see the joy on the girls faces when they started walking away conversing about seeing their idols in Starbucks, then again a week ago that was literally me and my friends...
"Does that ever annoy you?" I asked randomly - breaking the not awkward silence, everybody jumped a bit at the sudden sound of my voice and I blushed
"No not really" Mikey answered, I frowned a little confused as to why but was too embarrassed to actually ask, Gerard saw this and answered
"We have great fans" He started and smiled knowing I was obviously one "They are all going through pain and tough times and yet our music unites all of them - and yet they still respect us for normal everyday people, and we feel that because of that we should sign things and have our photo taken" He finally finished and I just sat there gobsmacked, he pretty much just summed up my life - how I was in pain and going through a tough time and their music unites us all together, I just never thought that they would think of it in the same way.

Once we'd actually finished our coffees (Mikey went back for another one, he's as bad as Gerard) we decided I finally needed to get some clothes - we decided to go into forever 21 because they have the coolest clothes ever.

Everybody started pick stuff up for themselves as I was just looking around, Frank staying with me at all times, that's cute. I saw some band tees I like and some jeans I really didn't want to spend too much of their money as that would be really rude but when I took my selection of clothing up to them they told me to go back and get some more, I hope they've realised I really don't like shopping and don't actually want to go back and get more but Frank literally dragged me back to get more - I ended up with more tees and jeans and some shorts and tights, I also ended up with 2 pairs of converse and a new pair of Doctor Martins - I'm so happy I have all this new stuff but I then realise I have nowhere to actually put it...
"Urmm thanks for buying all of this... But where am I meant to put it?" I asked, I almost seemed like I was begging for a new suitcase or something like that... Or maybe it was just my mind over thinking it.
"Well actually we already thought about that and whilst you were picking what you wanted we got our manager Brian to pick up a suitcase for you" Ray said and smiled sweetly. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be treated this nicely, they are acting treating me like I'm on of the family, even though I love it, I don't deserve it from them

We finally got back to the hotel at about 6 o'clock, for a shopping trip it actually wasn't too bad. I normally argue and complain constantly. But seeing as they hated it as much as me we knew that we could make it much better.
There was a suitcase waiting for us when we got back and it looked huge... Maybe I didn't need one quite this big but oh well I don't want to complain after how good they've all been to me these last couple of days. Mikey helped me pack all of my stuff into the suitcase, he was obviously the neat and tidy one who likes everything perfectly, he eventually told me to sit down after he saw how bad my folding skills were and he carried on for me, on his own. Ray walked in and laughed as he saw me being taught how to fold different items of clothing... This must happen often if they just laugh at his neatness.
Today has been great and I honestly feel like my life couldn't get any better than it is right now

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