Chapter 16 - Well duh!

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Natalie's POV

"Natalie, please will you be my girlfriend?" Frank asks nervously, I feel my face instantly drop into shock and I stand there for a couple seconds before I can say anything. Am I ready for this kind of commitment with him? I mean I do like him and everything.

"Frank..." I say quietly, his face drops and he looks at the ground "of course I will" his face shoots up to look at me this time its his time to be shocked.

"Um.. Are you sure?" he asks

"Well duh!" I say and smile, I'm happy I said yes - I know now it was the right decision to make

"I'm so happy you said yes" he said stepping forward and leaning his forehead against mine, I smile and close my eyes still leaning together

"So am I" I say, I watch his eyes flicker down to my lips and I smirk slightly - we both start to lean in but just as our lips are about to meet Mikey walks out of the bus and blushes, interrupting our little moment

"Oh.. Oh sorry... We heard voices and I came to s-see who it was.. Sorry" he says nervously and walks back into the bus, Frank looks slightly shocked and I giggle at his expression, hearing my laughter he turns back to me with a raised eyebrow and amused expression.

"Something funny?" he smirks, his smirk is to die for and I'm suddenly nervous around him again "So where were we?" he asks and I blush but only then did I realise he quoted shrek and burst into laughter and literally couldn't stop for the life of me, he continued to stare at me in confusion before realising what he'd done
"I quoted shrek again didn't I?" He said completely seriously, as if mentally telling himself off for starting me on my shrek obsession. Not in a creepy way like "shrek is love, shrek is life" obsession but just still finding him too funny for my age. To take Frank away from his mental telling off I started to sing "All star" really badly right in his face to remind him of my love of the movie. He looks at me like I'm crazy as I purposely sing horrifically in public as people stop and look at me but is soon laughing and joining in.
Halfway through the song I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I stop to check it
Zoe: Seriously now Nat, you need to stop ignoring me and tell me where you are - this is driving us all mental here.
Truthfully, I've ignored her, Luke and Tom for the last 3 weeks just to save themselves. I know Bill will be out looking for me, no longer caring about hiding his anger towards me in front of my friends and black mail the truth out of them or he'll be the complete opposite and use them all to help find me in a search party or something, not realizing I'm the other side of the country.
Me: Dont worry I'm safe.
I'm not giving her details on my whereabouts because I know they'd all want to come and see me. Eventually I'm going to have to tell them what's changed in my life, the fact I live with my chem on a tour bus touring the country, I'm dating Frank Iero and am genuinely a happier person. I'd feel truly awful with them thinking how unhappy I was back home with them and now I've met some new people I've become a better person.
Frank noticed my change in mood and he started to move in again and gently our lips connect. The warmth that spread through my body was unbelievable and so comforting. It's like the emotions he was putting into the kiss was spreading throughout my body and putting titles in my toes and butterflies in my stomach. He made me feel whole, complete, as if there wasn't half of me missing. When we eventually had to let go for air, we continued to rest our foreheads together with our eyes closed trying to catch our breath. When we both opened our eyes he gave me a look saying he felt exactly what I just felt and more. He must of felt the same connection I did and when he eventually was about to say something I shut him up by gently pressing my lips back to his.

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