Chapter 15 - Moving On

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Frank POV

The concert was actually pretty good! For kids they defiantly knew how to get the crowd going I'll give them that one. I will have to buy their cds on itunes when I get back and as for Nat she's glowing, the sweat may be pouring from her but all I can say is she's beautiful even so. It sounds stupid so early but I think I could possibly love her, as crazy as it sounds she's the only girl I haven't thought about having a one night stand with then leaving in the morning apart from Jamia - I would consider spending the rest of my life with her. The smile hasn't left her face since we left the venue - this is the happiest I think I've ever seen her.

"Oh my god thank you so much Frank!" She gushed, she then blushed at her sudden outburst, I've never actually heard her be that loud before.

"I love your blush" I blurted out, now its my turn to blush and trust me I'm blushing hard

"Um thanks.. I like yours too" And she actually smirked at me, the cheek of it

"Yeah mines fabulous" I say sassily

"Mhmm hun" Oh she's in a sassy mood too "You've been around Gee too long" and her smirk is back - I've never properly seen it before and I love it, it shows so much confidence that's not normally there

"Oh shut up" I say and stick my tongue out like a 5 year old and she laughs sticking hers out back as me showing a black tongue bar I was shocked to see this but just smirked at the New Natalie in front of me


I was actually thinking about taking her out to a restaurant afterwards but then realised we both really smell of sweat from the concert and aren't exactly dressed appropriately so I decided to be really classy and take her to McDonalds. I ordered a veggie burger and fries with a large coke and she got a chicken sandwich with fries and a large fanta.

"Oh my god I'm actually like so hungry" She says when she starts to tuck into her food

"Same.. So um I've never actually seen you this comfortable whilst eating around us" actually come to think of it now I'd never seen her eat in front of me

She instantly blushed and put her food down, clearing her throat "Urm I used to have an eating disorder and no not in the way of losing too much weight, in the way that I'd eat too much and put lots of weight on, I spose I did it to deal with my home life.. I mean I'm much better now but uh I guess I still struggle with stuff like eating in front of people, so think yourself lucky that I am" She said and winked at me, trying to make light of the conversation - she then picked her food up and continued eating. I just nodded and smiled as I knew I shouldn't continue with that conversation and make her uncomfortable.


As we walked back to our bus we held hands all the way and talked about ourselves and family. It was nice getting to know her better. She spoke about her dad like he was an absolute God and her rock, I loved hearing her talk about somebody she was so passionate about. Once back at the bus I knew what I had to do but really needed to man up...

She was about to walk in but I pulled her back and turned her around to face me

" Willyoupleasebemygirlfriend?" I ask as quick as I can to get it over with

"Urm what? Can you say that again in English first?" she looked confused but with a small smile on her face to encourage me to ask again, I take a deep breathe and ask

"Natalie, please will you be my girlfriend?" I look at her face and she looks at me in pure shock, oh no, not this again.

Finding Iero (My Chemical Romance/Frank Iero Love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang