Chapter 10 - It's gotta be a secret

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Gerard's POV

I can see Ray is blushing as he walks out of her room. I don't know why? He hasn't really had much to do with Natalie, even when we first met her. I don't understand it, first he wants to check to see midget legs next to me didn't wake her, then he comes out of her room blushing like a little girl, What's going on with him? I'm going to find out, whether he wants me too or not

Only seconds after Ray walked out of the room and said she was asleep, Natalie walked out with a tired yet confused expression on her face. I slowly got up to walk over to Ray and Natalie jumped in the space I was in, I got to Ray and said "I think we need to talk don't you?", I whisperedto him making sure it was only quiet enough that neither Frank or Natalie would hear me. God knows where Mikey has gone now. Ray just nodded and I turned to the other two sat on the couch "Hey guys we're going to Starbucks because I need to talk to Ray about something" I stated and they just vaguely nodded and carried on laughing at whatever rubbish that Frank had on the TV.

We walked to Starbucks in complete silence and only once being stopped by a fan, luckily they weren't in a picky mood and I managed to get Ray to keep walking whilst I was signing and taking photos.

Once we were in and ordered our coffees we sat at our table in silence for a couple of minutes until I couldn't resist to ask any longer.

"Ray what's been goin' on with you and Natalie" I blurted out, his eyes widened and he blushed slightly and the sound of her name, oh this cant be good.

"Please Gerard, I cant talk about this now" He stated, I was slightly shocked I mean come on I got him here easily enough, the least he could do is tell me what's wrong with him.
"No Ray, this is the only time for the next 6 months we are going to be on our own to talk" I said, It's true, tonight is our first show for the Revenge tour, for the next 6 months we are going to be under each others feet on a small tour bus travelling all over the world so right now we really did need to get all of the space we could get

"Okay but you have to promise me you wont tell anybody, Its gotta be a secret Gerard" He said, I don't know why but I thought there was panic in his voice also he knows I'm not going to tell anybody, especially if it was so serious

"Okay Ray, I promise, what's wrong then?" I don't know why but since I got clean, I've been the therapist in the group. Weird. Before it was Ray comforting me and helping me through my cravings and multiple relapses but due to his and the rest of the band's high support I got past it, so no matter what I'm going to help Ray through this

"Okay.. So.. um. I-I" He stuttered out and then looked at me, I tried to put all of my confidence into my face and gave him a small smile, encouraging him to carry on

"Ray its okay just tell me slowl-" He cut me off quickly by blurting out "I like Natalie!" rather loudly. I sat there in shock for a second and then he caught my eye obviously seeing the shock on my face

"Look Gee, I know how wrong it is, I mean seriously, I'm 10 years older than her and I have a girlfriend" I nodded slowly not really knowing what to say "Gee its okay, I'm not going to do anything to her or with her, you know I'd never cheat, you know what I think about being moral" I really needed to say something and quick but nothing came out "Gee? Are you okay? You've gone all pale"

"No-I mean yes. Sorry man, I just- That came as quite a shock you know, I didn't think it was like that" I said, I thought I managed to come back from my shock pretty good actually

"No I get it Gee, I know how wrong it is... But then there's Frank. He cannot find out ever, if he does think how funny he'll act towards me" I nodded, I knew what he meant, Frank could be really over protective sometimes, not that I blame him, but he totally has dibs over Natalie

"No Ray, I'm glad you finally told me, I don't like seeing you get into a mess like that, but next time can you just tell me what's wrong instead of just keeping it bottled up?" I asked and he nodded "Okay good, well we better get going we have our first Revenge tour show tonight and it's gotta be amazing for the fans" also for Natalie, I know for certain she's never seen us live so it's gonna be quite the experience for her

Another short chapter sorry:/

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