Chapter 1 - First Day Back

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Natalie’s POV

Start of a new school year and I can honestly say I feel sick to my stomach. I love school *note my sarcasm right there* I have gotten bullied every single fucking day of my life so to say I have bad memories of this place would be an understatement. I’m “emo” to everybody around me, just because I dress differently and wear darker makeup and listen to better music but that doesn’t mean I’m not still human and have feelings. I only have some  friends, I’m only close to about 3 of them but I guess I gotta stick with what I have... I might end up with nobody at all that way.
It’s raining this morning, first day of school and it’s raining, this is just getting better and better. I see everybody getting driven past in all of their posh cars, I mean yeah my step dad has a posh car, big house, lots of money etc. But I wouldn’t wanna be seen with him.
That bastard is nothing to me. I hate him. My parents split up when I was 9, I moved in with my dad as he was the only one who actually wanted to be with me. We had a great relationship. He died about 2 years ago now of throat cancer. I got forced to move in with my mom after that. She was at the time with the monster I’m forced to live with. She never cared about me, to be honest I don’t even think it would of bothered her if I went into care, she wouldn’t of battered an eyelid. Neither would I, I might of been happier than I am now, anyway she left my “step dad” about 6 months after I moved in, and as she never cared anyway left me with Bill. The amount of times he’s attacked me, abused me emotionally, physically and sexually, he should be locked up for life. But people like him never get caught do they, they always have their ways of manipulating your mind and others into thinking their a good person when really, behind closed doors they show who they really are.
Because of this it’s sometimes a relief to go to school, but hardly ever. I either go home to an abusive step dad or come to school where I get bullied, beaten at home – beaten at school. There’s no escape, but I never let it get to me which in its own right is a bad thing, I can't show emotion anywhere otherwise people pick up on my weaknesses.
Then I see it, the front of the school building to be honest I would rather be entering the gates to hell than this awful place, I see sophomores charging around being all young, innocent but cocky - everybody tries to stay out of their way unless you want to get charged at whether intentionally or not, then I could see the seniors aka my year theirs the average variety to us you have the jocks, the cheerleaders, nerds, outcasts, brainiacs then their is my group we like to say we aren't part of a clique but to others were the emos. Just like all stereotypical high school cliques the cheerleaders are all bleach blonde, blue eyed, perfect teeth, big boobed typed girls whilst the jocks are the sporty, muscley football players and are so called god looking guys, personally I don't see the attraction but whatever floats your boat I guess. And as the stereotypes go  they all blatantly "get off" with each other, but none of them ever admit it, there’s always rumours going around about somebody got with somebody else, but to me as long as I didn’t listen I couldn’t be blamed for spreading all that shit. Ha like I would anyway, I try not to even look at them let alone spread the rumours.
But just my luck before I could sneak past and get to the safety of my friends they all turn and look at me, the populars, they all sneer at me, I quickly look at my feet before they notice I saw it, but it's too late.
“Ugh check out the emo”
“Eww emo alert”
“Where does she get those clothes a charity shop”
“Are you sure it’s a ‘she’?”
“She’s even fatter”
Ouch I have to admit out of all of the stuff I just heard, it was the last one that hurt the most, I felt the tears spring to my eyes, but with a lot of effort I don’t let them spill. I’ll cry later but not in front of them. I must of pulled a face as I was trying to hold them back, they sniggered to themselves.
“Oh my god, is she crying?”
“What a baby!”
“Look at her, crying, maybe she’ll run home to daddy... Oh wait yeah she can’t!” That did it, they spilled over and they all laughed, I heard a guy congratulate the girl who said it and she fluttered her massive fake eye lashes at him. God they are pathetic.
“Oh god, Nat are you okay? What did they say? Did they hurt you?” Zoe was over at my side in seconds obviously seeing me cry from our little group. I met Zoe when I was 4 and we’ve been friends ever since, our parents were close so I guess it was kinda destined for us to be friends as well, we loved that, knowing that our parents were friends first then we joined the friendship circle.
As me and Zoe grew up together we were quite average looks adolescents but sadly she got prettier by the day and to say I was average I must of gone down hill but only this last year she cut all her hip length hair off into a cute little pixie cut that showed of her slim face and dyed it silver - to say I was jealous of her looks would be an understatement you see to her size 6 I'm a size 12 which is by no means huge but is a considerable size and compared to her perfectly fitting hair to her face mines just a bland brown colour which is just past my shoulders, I just cut in my own hair and bangs due to the fact I don't want to waste any money - I try and ave as much as I can for the moment I graduate I can leave this awful place and go to college and move on with my life.
“It doesn’t matter” I say, I share feelings, but not at school, I can’t and Zoe more than anybody knows that about me.
“Tell me later?” Zoe said looking at me with her gorgeous grey eyes, I nodded and we started walking, I got over to our group and Luke locked me in a massive bear hug. Luke I met when I was 11, we bonded on the first day we met each other, we were forced to sit next to each other in maths, science, art, drama, music; so I guess you could say we had plenty of time to bond. Luke was always quite chunky even when I first met him but I haven’t seen him in 6 weeks and he’s lost a lot of weight, he’s done that before and he got really ill from it, I hoped he wasn’t sinking to that again, we loved him the way he was, he just couldn't see that we're happy with him the way he is - to us he's perfect.
“Luke....Can’t.... Breathe....Little..Help!!!” He dropped me and laughed, my face had gone from porcelain to fire engine red due to how tight he squeezed me.
“Are you okay?” Tom whispered, I loved Tom, we also met when we were 11 but didn’t officially make friends until were 13, we had to sit next to each other in English, I never liked English as I couldn’t spell and he was exactly the same. I remember one day we had to draw and annotate around a poem we were given, in one of the lines it said the word “frog” and he tried to draw a frog, It went terribly, I looked like a rabbit with massive ears. We were literally rolling on the floor laughing, I suppose you could say that broke the ice in our situation and from then on we have been best friends.
“Yeah, they were just being bitches as usual” He nods knowing I wasn’t going to say anymore at that precise time “Has my makeup smudged?” I ask worrying, I already look terrible but my makeup makes me look the slightest bit better, He looks back at me examining my makeup and shakes his head
“No... You look as gorgeous as ever...” He blushes looking at the ground, He looks up the see me blushing too, we caught eye contact and laughed. No we're not into each other like that but we're literally just as awkward as each other and blush at anything, hense why we get along so well.
“Come on you two, the bells about to ring” We both look at Zoe and our faces drop, I hate this – I get nervous every year, we had to go to the lecture theatre in our years before we were able to go to class, so that we can get our time table and have a welcome back assembly, whom which our year head seems to hate his job as much as we all hate coming to school.
We all sit right at the back of the lecture theatre ready for our names to be called out and we can go and get our time tables. This was the worst part of the assembly, whenever one of our names is called it is guaranteed that somebody will shout something out about us being emos or being ugly. It sucks. Then it started, the names were being called and we were all going down the centre steps to the little desk at the front being handed our time tables, then my name was called out and I waited for it, I walked down the centre steps and could see everybody looking at me, but then the door shot open and there stood our head master, he was strict but nobody dared fuck with him, I got to the desk and nobody had said a word I managed to get back to my seat without tripping, falling on my face, spat at, shit thrown at me, nasty looks; I was surprised, that had never happened before on the first day back at school - maybe this could be the start of a good school year for once?

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