Chapter 5 - Getting out

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Natalie POV
I woke up with a start, covered in sweat. I was trying to catch my breath but couldn’t quite manage it, that had to be one of the worst dreams I’ve ever had, I was imagining all of the horrible things he did to me last night but it seemed so real. I looked over at my alarm and saw it was 03:54AM, I groaned and flopped back down onto my pillow. I suddenly remembered that he "finished" inside of me after what he'd done last night and that needed to be sorted out, I slowly got out of bed still trying to avoid and unnecessary pain and went over to one of my draws to get out the morning after pill and swallow it dry, you might be wondering why I have these but you see this happens a lot and I refuse to end up with a baby, especially his baby so I need to be prepared in this situation.Suddenly taking in the early morning sounds, I could hear everything, his snoring, the birds, the wind outside.
I got up and went over to my balcony, it was boiling in this room, he always left the heat on because he knows I suffer in the heat and hate it. I was stood outside in the fresh cool air for about 5 minutes looking out into the pitch black night. I looked down to the ground and saw that it was quite a long way down, then I realised, I needed to tie things together to get down that way I could get out of here forever, I ran back into my room and put on my skinnies and a Sleeping with Sirens tee on, I quickly packed a backpack with only the stuff I was sure to need; Clothes, ipod, my savings -  over the last few years I'd managed to save up a good couple thousand dollars so I would be able to live comfortably for when I left, I'd also need my charger, phone, sketchpad, pencils, a photo of me and my dad. I couldn’t fit anything else in, I should have gone and got a bigger bag, but there was no time to waste and also it was more to carry if I actually ever got out of here.
I then started tying bed sheets and covers and towels together. When I finally thought it would be long enough I tied it to one of the balcony railings, I quickly ran back into my room to pick up my bag, I looked around at the room that I would hopefully never see again and realised that I didn’t pack any of my posters, but it was too late now to be worrying about that I had to get out of here.
I looked down at the handmade rope and realised that I couldn’t actually see the bottom due to the darkness of the night, I quickly jumped over the railings and started to gently slide down the rope, I didn’t know how much weight it was able to hold.
The next thing I knew I had run out of rope I guess I underestimated how high up I really was, I could just about see the floor, but I was about 3 meters away from it still, I had to jump, I let go, the next I know, blackness again.
I woke up and the faint light that I could see was all fuzzy. I must of hit my head really hard as I fell from the rope, I feel a slight throbbing on the side of my head behind my ear and as I went to touch it gently, I fell thick sticky stuff on it, I pulled my hand away quickly to see my hand covered in blood. I gagged, I wiped it on my jeans quickly and tried to get up. Everything was spinning now, I stood still for a minute and started to move, I could feel the sticky blood in my hair, it’s a good thing its dark brown otherwise it would be easier to see, but I could tell it was all stuck together. I put my hood up and tried to forget about the blood.
I found myself walking to starbucks, I needed coffee to think about where I’m going to go afterwards, I knew I couldn’t go to any friends or family, even though he didn’t know about my family, he is going to go through my records as accurately as he can to try and find out where I’ve gone. I was soon in the 24 hour starbucks, the smell hit me just like it did earlier.
I went and ordered a mocha lattè, and went to sit down. Everything was starting to spin again so I moved quicker than I probably should have in this case and got a few funny looks from the staff.
I got to the booth just in time, before I could trip over my own feet or anything. I looked up then to see the back of 4 heads of the men I was talking to earlier. I wanted their attention, their help, but yet I didn’t as I now knew my bruises will have been darker and more visible and there must be more of them for sure. Mikey got up then, obviously to go get more coffee, and then he saw me smiled and then the smile dropped off of his face.
“Oh my god Gerard” He said with sudden panic.
“What now Mikes I’m doing this” Gerard seemed moody obviously tired, he then turned around, that’s the last thing I remember before passing out..again..

Gerards POV

“Oh my god Gerard” Mikey said, with a worried annoying tone. I’m too tired to be worrying now
“What now Mikes I’m doing this” I say, moody as fuck, Jesus this kid moans. I turned around then and saw her. Natalie. She gave us a funny look, then her eyes rolled and she was out cold on the floor. I jumped up at the same time Frank and Ray did, the staff were just stood there looking at her, the bastards, great help they are.
I was down on the floor by her side within seconds, all 4 of us were not quite sure what to do, do we ring an ambulance? No not yet. She started to come around then, poor kid, she couldn’t of been any older than about 18 if that.
“Guys, get her back to the hotel” They seemed to be on the same wave length as me and we started to get her to her feet. She seemed willing enough to do anything right at the moment. One arm was over my shoulder and the other over Ray, us two seemed to be the strongest, Frank was only a midget he wouldn’t be able to manage, and Mikey went to pick up her backpack. Frank got to the door to open for us to get her out into the fresh night air. She seemed to come around a bit more when she was outside.

By the time we had got her back to the Hotel she was pretty much walking without our support. She never said a word though, actually she looked quite embarrassed at the fact she’d passed out. It was nothing to be embarrassed about though, it was more worrying than anything.
As soon as we got back into our room, we flopped her down onto the couch, well I guess we need about to find out what happened to her, though judging by her bruises this time, it was not caused by lockers.

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