Chapter 3 - Unexpected

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I sat at one of the booths now as ove still got half an hour till my friends get here and am still seething at the fact I never have enough money. This always happens to me, literally, god do I have a sign on my head saying "Hey, Make me feel bad about myself!"
I'm also sat in the are of the shop where the wind blows in everytime the door opens, great, now I'm going to catch a cold, just what I need right now.
Somebody else just walked in, actually must have been a group because there were quite a few voices. One very loud and obnoxious, I continue glaring at my coffee getting annoying with the suddenly loud voices in the shop like Jesus guys can't I drink my coffee in peace, deciding not to look at them, Just thinking to myself "If you don't look at them they wont bother you.." How wrong I was, suddleny I saw about 4 pairs of shoes just stood next to me, I slowly looked up to see if I was going to get the shit beaten out of me again, but my mouth just hung open. There they were, the 4 most gorgeous men in my whole life stood looking down at me with worried eyes, I didn't understand why until I saw, I'd rolled my sleeves up, shit, now they are just going to think I am some weird little self harmer, thats all I need...
But to my surprise through all of the worried looks they were giving me there were small smiles, and then the smiles faded when they saw my face. Fuck, they think I'm ugly, oh my god, I should of just kept looking at the floor god sake Natalie the floor is always the best option...
"Oh my god, What's happened to your face?" Gerard asked, he was so gorgeous I must have just looked stunned, and then clicked back to reality
"Uh I was born with it?" I replied, actually quite offended by his sudden question... Then it clicked "Ohh right! I slipped over earlier and hit my face... Such a klutz y'know" thinking that's actually a good story I fed them that's until I saw their faces.
They weren't buying it at all. Gerard and Frank looked at each other and then they both gave Mikey and Ray and funny look, they both seemed to understand what Gerard and Frank were trying to say, they were about to scuttle off when Mikey turned around and asked
"Do you want another drink?" I looked down at my cup and saw it was all gone, funny I don't remember drinking it all
"Uh yeah if you don't mind" I said blushing
He smiled slightly and walked off with Ray, I then turned back to Gerard and Frank who had now sat down at the booth, they both gave me warm friendly smiles, but there was still concern on their faces.
"So, how did that actually happen?" Gerard said, He had a really friendly voice, I knew I shouldn't tell them anything, I mean come on I dont even know know them even though they're the best guys ever...
"Uhhh" I sat there blushing, I must look like a tomato "Did you ever know lockers are terrible things to be pushed against?" I said slowly and quietly, for a minute I thought they hadn't heard me so I looked up and saw them sat there looking at me with shock on both of their faces.
"Wait wait wait you mean to tell me that somebody pushed you into a locker?!" Frank pretty much yelling, I blushed again, I looked to the window to see how red I looked, but at the same moment I saw the redness I saw that the bruises had shown up even more since I'd been home and looked in the mirror I knew that I should of tried to cover it with concealer, I looked terrible in all honesty, I mean I don't look particularly great normally anyway but this was just outdoing my uglyness, and that is saying something. No wonder they were staring at me the way they were.
"Yeah... I mean, this isn't that bad, I've had worse..." I trailed off, Gerards eyes looked like they were about to pop out of the sockets, I don't know why but I just feel completely comfortable with them, maybe it's the fact their music literally saved me and because of that I feel like I know them personally.
"Why did they do this to you?" Frank demanded, there was anger in his voice and I wasn't sure if it was towards me or the people who did this either way I found this a little bit intimidating and felt the need to put a stop to this.
"Seriously you need to ask?" I said sarcastically, they shot each other a quick glance, obviously not getting what I was trying to say, oh dear boys get ready for the rant  "Seriously look at me! I don't exactly look like all of those other girls in my school, I wear black clothes, black makup and listen to what they call 'weird music', they were quite clothes and have orange skin and listen to that pop music shit, I don't fit in with them!" I found myslef ranting to them about it and so close to bursting into tears because they just don't get it, their faces softened I thought they were going to laugh which quite honestly makes me angry at me for my mini breakdown in the middle of starbucks...
"Honey, you look just fine, fuck them, fuck what they think of you, you have to be yourself, and I think you are really fucking brave to even be doing that" Gerard said, Oh my fucking god, Gerard Fucking Way just called me "Honey" I think I just started hyperventilating? I'm probably just fan girling right now... How did I go from angry teenager to loved up fangirl in the matter of seconds...
I blushed so badly, they smiled kindly, and then Mikey and Ray came back up to us carrying 5 coffees, 1 of them mine
"Uh thanks" I said shyly, jesus christ why did I have to be so god damn shy
"Thats okay" Mikey said in a casual cheery voice "Hey guys, we'd better get going, we need to be back at the hotel in about 5 minutes..."
"Okay Mikes, Are you going to be okay?" Gerard asked, suddenly weary again, probably worried somebody was gonna come out of nowhere and hurt me
"Uh yeah, my friends will be here in a minute anyway..." I said, they are never going to believe me when I tell them this story, and even if they do they are going to be so jealous.
"Okay, if you're sure... Hey what's your name?" Gerard asked, but they all seemed interested, boy aren't they going to be let down
"Natalie, Natalie Ray" I said, there was no confidence in my voice whatsoever
"Well it was nice to meet you Natalie" Gerard said
"Yeah, keep your head up Natalie" Frank added, they then all turned around to leave when Mikey and Ray muttered a quick "goodbye"
What the actual fuck just happened?
I just had a whole conversation with Gerard Way and Frank Iero, and I didn't even pass out from being star struck, I must have the most oblivious look on my face... At that moment my friends walk in, they must of all met up outside
"OH MY GOD NAT YOU WOULD NEVER GUESS WHO WE JUST WALKED PAST??!?!?!" Zoe came running up to me squealing
"I bet it was My Chem... Well I just had a whole conversation about my  bullying to Gerard Way and Frank Iero!" I said, with a boasting tone even though in that situation I know I shouldn't be boasting, all of their mouths hung open
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! DID THEY GIVE YOU AND AUTOGRAPH?" Zoe was still shouting even though she was stood right next to me
"Fuck that, who needs autographs! I have those memories for the rest of my life!" I smiled to myself, happy at that thought, they all smiled at me, obviously happy that I'm happy.
Well what a perfect way for my day to end

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