Chapter 6 - The Truth always comes out in the end...

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Natalie's POV

I woke up on an extremely comfy couch but when I eventually started to open my eyes properly I realised I'd ended up in a room in which I'd never seen before, I had no idea where I was. Though my vision was blury due to the fact I had just woken up I could see 4 figures stood over by a round table, all whispering to each other, I couldn't quite work out what they were all saying to each other.
Then, like a tonne of bricks I remembered what happened last night. All I properly remember after I'd gotten to Starbucks was that one minute I was watching them and then Mikey said something to Gerard and then everything went black. I don't really Inderstand...
"Hey I think she's starting to wake up" I heard somebody say

"Do you think we should help her up?" I heard somebody else say

"No, give her a chance" I heard yet another voice, I tried getting up then, the task seemed impossible due to my pure clumsiness of first thing in the morning.

"Gerard, what about now?"
"Urm, yeah now I guess" I heard a couple of pairs of feet walking over to me, and then a set of hands on each side of me. I was now leaning up and I could tell there were all 4 sets of  eyes looking at me but I groggily stared at the floor.
"So...What happened?" I turned around to see Frank's face very close to mine, a little bit awkward if I do say so myself.
"Uhh I fainted?" I say not really getting the question
"Yeah we gathered that" Frank said, smiling slightly "I mean why?" Ah I knew that was coming, what do I say? Should I tell the truth?
After a few seconds of spluttering out so ums and ahhs I looked to to see all of them were smiling at me with kind eyes, none of them looking at me with a sense of judgement
"Honey, what was it? We won't tell anybody if you don't want us to" Gerard said, He was obviously the one who deals with sorting people out the most, he had a soft and comforting voice, he would defiantly make a pro counselor if he wanted too.
"Well, I was trying to get out of my house window earlier, and I fell and hit the back of my head, hense the blood on my face and neck" I wasn't actually lying when you think about it, I had actually been getting out of my window and then hit my head.

“Are you sure that’s all that happened to you? You have an awful lot more bruises on your face and arms than you did when we saw you earlier...” Mikey said, him and his brother were both as sweet as each other
“Uhh yeah, thats because when I fell... I hit stuff on the way down...” I trailed off, well there goes the honesty policy. In their eyes you could see that they were not convinced one bit.
I sighed to myself, knowing that one way or another I was going to have to tell them what happened to me.
“Honey, if you want to stay then we really need to know what happened to you” my eyes must of visibly widened in shock at what he just insinuated towards me. Me being able to stay? That would just too much luck for me.

But after a moment of thinking too myself I realised that I wouldn't be able too “I can’t stay...” honestly telling them this  was tearing me apart inside but I didn’t want them to get into trouble as well if he came looking for me. Also it's the fact they are currently touring as well, I couldn't follow them around and as much as I hate school I need an education.
They all gave me confused looks “I can’t let you get into trouble” And with that comment, deciding not to expand on it any further I got up, grabbed my bag and started walking towards the door “I’m sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for having me" They were just sat there watching me leave confused by my comment that I had just left them with.

Franks POV

“I’m sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for having me" That’s all she said to us before turning around and leaving. I looked around at Gerard, Mikey and Ray; they all had the same gobsmacked expressions as me.
“I’m going after her” I said, getting up and walking towards the door
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Ray asked me, this is the first time he’d actually spoke since we'd sat down with Natalie.
“Yeah, of course it is, Franks right for once” Gerard agreed with me, when Gerard agrees with you, you know what you’re doing is a good thing. I also chose to ignore his sarcasm towards me nodded my head
“Guys, we can’t just let her leave like that” I said, I walked out of the door and as soon as I heard it close I started to sprint down the hallway, she couldn’t of gone far, and there’s no way the lift had gotten up here already.
Then I saw her, she was waiting for the lift alone, with tears running down her face, she looked completely distraught and I had to help her
“Natalie!” I shouted down to her, she looked up startled by seeing me running towards her “Don’t go, we really do wanna help you y'know” when I finally got the p to her I was a little out of breathe but would never show it, after tell I her to stay where she was because I was gonna be right back I quickly  I ran back down to the hallway to the room slotted the pass key and shouted “I’ve found her guys she's a little upset so I’m going to try and take her for coffee or something, so don’t worry!” Without even waiting for a reply for anybody I went back out of the door, for the third time ran down the hallway and she was still stood there.
“Natalie” I said when I finally got up to her, I was out of breathe from all of that stupid running “Tell me what happened? Please?” I begged, at that moment her legs crumbled from underneath her and when was in a pile on the floor. I was down there in a second “Natalie? What’s wrong? What can I do?” I asked in a panic, she just shook her head and cried even more. I put my arms around her and gave her a strong hug.

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