Remedial school

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Enyd sat down abruptly at the desk in the large airy room lit by fiery wall sconces. Looking around she was annoyingly interested in the other "students" needing remedial education.
She had graduated from the top of her class in medical school and yet here she sat, the first time she had ever needed tutoring.  She grimaced at the idea but shook her head to dislodge the thoughts.

She had only known magic for a year, and it had been the worst year of her life. She was born a muggle, and had worked in the Emergency room until her life had fallen apart. The American Magic Congress had not known what to do with her.  They had told her that her magic was dangerous and uncontrollable, so they made her a prisoner.

Then her "fairy Grandfather" had shown up and rescued her. He even had a wand but no magical slippers and no prince. She shouldn't be so harsh, Albus Dumbledore had been kind to her. He really had saved her from that hellish place. If he hadn't come she'd be dead by now or mad. He had told her that she had two choices magical "education" or having her memory entirely wiped. She refused to lose her memories and so it was off to the UK.

Taking in the other students, she immediately noticed she was one of the oldest. She guessed that among the rag tag lot of them their ages ranged from early twenties to middle age.  Enyd let out a deep sigh.

The door burst open to the room disrupting her self deprecating thoughts.  A swirl of black robes and black hair passed by her, heading to the front of the room.  She did not get to see the person's face until he turned dramatically to face the class.

"For those of you that do not know me I am Professor Severus Snape. You have all been brought to my summer session because you are pathetic at magic and it is my unfortunate job to try and reconcile that.
Twelve weeks is what we have to make you proficient.  If you fail you will be handed over to the ministry of magic where a binding spell will be cast upon you so that you will no longer be able to use magic." The room became very quiet before he added: " I hear it is quite painful." 

He said the last sentence with an amused grin.

Enyd rolled her eyes. Work the ER for a few months and it is pretty hard for someone to intimidate you with their words.

"Do you have something to add...Ms...?" His booming voice brought her attention back to the man at the front of the room.  He was staring at her.

"I'm sorry did you ask me something. I wasn't paying attention."

Several people in the room gasped loudly and all eyes turned to her.   She noticed his eyes narrow as he slowly approached her desk.

"Am I bothering you Ms...?

"Liams. Usually people call me Doctor Liams." She answered looking directly into his unhappy face.  His eyes were very dark, almost black. Quite beautiful actually. She had the fleeting thought that his gaze was so deep she could fall into it and be swallowed whole.

"Much to our benefit, there are no muggle doctors here. So perhaps, Ms Liams" he made sure to stretch out the Ms, "you have suddenly become an expert witch and do not need my help?  Because according to your file you most definitively need me."

Enyd felt her stomach clench at those words, intimate words, even though they weren't meant that way. Was he trying to embarrass her?

Ahhhh, she recognized this game. She had learned it in her childhood. Never let them see you as weak. She needed to stand up to him now or it would only get worse. Raking her eyes from the top of his head down to his feet and then back up to that black gaze, which was by far his best feature, she smiled seductively at him. " Oh Yes Professor I just may need you." She bit her lip to emphasize her point.

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now